Spitting ink and paint on canvas. Slapping my Bass while the Albacore watches. Perfecting the gin martini. writing sentence fragments. Taunting teddy bears and threatening the Moon. Somewhere cinema falls into all this...
Zappa, Beethoven, Beatles, Bob (Marley and Dylan), Miles, Mingus, Monk, Nirvana, Primus, Tyler Burton, Velvet Underground, Omega 3, Jazz and constuction noise (the road crew early in the morning not the band)...
Edward Scissorhands, City Lights, Leaving Las Vegas, Annie Hall, Eternal Sunshine, The Room, The Piano Teacher, The Evil Dead, Lawrence of Arabia, The Last Laugh, Anything by Francois Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Luis Bunuel, Charlie Kaufman and Charlie Chaplin
Don Quixote!
Toss up between Saddam and Bush