My intersts music, video games, And Movies like acting horror comedy. I like to skate....(i sound like im 10, or something lol).
Someone i would like to meet Girl who knows what she wants who she wants.Smart I'm not asking to be like a Rocketed Sciences but you know what i mean. Girl who can take charges but also can let other do the same.Some i can talk to and they can talk back i guess. Someone who i can just hang out with with out thinking "oh man what if she thinks I'm ugly or crap". lol S4L S4L
Rockabilly,Psychobilly, and Punk the old punk not that new shit. Well some new shit but not all........LOsers
The Departed, Warriors, Grease, Lock shock and two smoking barriers, Transformers, 300, Snatch, Super Troopers,The Boondock Saints, Army Of Darkness and Evil Dead hell to much to put down I like all comedy, and horror.
X-men, Spiderman, Batman, Scrubs, Family guy,Frisky dingo the simpsons,South Park,John Bravo, GundumW, Outlaw Star, all the old cartoons on channel Cartoon Network, 11,and 5.
As for books all that i have been reading lately is The complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Yeah I'm a lover but heart not a fighter......LOL
Jene Star Wing, Berserk Guts,Jack Skeleton,and the 50's people and music because with out them where would music and people be today, think about it.