I am a 25 year old art student from toronto, I like long walks on the beach,
puppy dogs, and all that other bullshit that people say when they don't know what to say about themselves. If there is anything I could say about myself, it would be, that I feel like a work in progress. In a state of constant change through the lesson that come with age. If I could describe who I think I am with confidence, then maybe thats who I will remain. So, in relation to this, you could say, I don't beleive in anything, that has opposites, because truths are undisputed and continually remain. now, don't get me wrong here i am not one of those types in search of some transendantal truth, that will negate anything else. I just like to be on the fence, observing both sides, without weighing to either side. Also, I hate routine. when I find myself in the drudge of monotony, I search to break out, To put myself out of my element, to a place unfamiliar, to what lessons I already mantain.
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