Church Ohio is the number one directory and online community for Christians looking to fellowship with other Christians in the state. The reason we are number one is because of our unique service which allows for churches to create a web presence with in our directory. Individuals will get a better feel for your church and congregation by accessing your web page. All web pages come with optional components that give you the freedom to customize a polished representation of your church.
About Church Ohio
Church Ohio launched September of 2006 with a vision to provide churches in the state of Ohio with an online community where Christians can interact with one another and hear the word of God. Our ultimate goal is to serve churches in Ohio by providing products and resources for them to reach their audience.
Church Ohio is the only Streamcastâ„¢ community and Church directory in the state. Our online community provides resources for churches that allow for a broader outreach to a captivated audience that is within driving distance. This gives believers the ability to not only see an overview of churches within the state but also experience their worship services through our Streamcastâ„¢ portals.
For more information call: 1-800-975-5161 Ext. 701
Our MissionThe mission of is to become an outreach tool and source of information about Ohio churches, ministries, and Gospel artists. will provide cutting edge solutions for its members so that they may effectively and efficiently share relevant information with believers.I would like to extend an invitation for each and everyone of you to visit our site and join our community. There are so many features that are available, you are sure to learn something new, make a new friend, and enjoy one of our many podcasts!Don't wait, click here to visit!.. Get this widget!