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About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Junkyard
I am many things... mostly a storm of tired cliches and a torrent of emotions...
I will not change who I am. So, don't bother asking me... I have been accused of being over-bearing, pretentious, dramatic, stubborn, defensive, clingy, anal-retentive, and worrisome. I've been asked if I have ever kicked puppies! Not that I really understand what that means. I'm a horny bastard with an over-active sexual libido. I can be a pervert. You will be insulted, repulsed, or perhaps enthralled by me. If you make a living out of being a liar, manipulator, or hypocrite you will be shunned... perhaps stoned in the Biblical sense. I am almost always right, and it would be best for everyone if you were to just agree with me. At the same time, I am the first to admit when I make a mistake. I am told to shut up all the time, which only makes me talk more. The finger always points in my direction. I am given the blame often, like it's a gift; and take it willingly. I am the scapegoat and always guilty until proven innocent.
Some people are afraid of me... and I laugh at the notion. I am a step-child, the only child, one of three sons, and an orphan. I am the best friend, the third wheel, and the designated driver; and yet, for some reason I have very few friends. I love very sparingly, though I have been known to be spontaneous, romantic, witty, ostentatious, caring, accepting, and sincere... only to those who deserve it. I am the one that is left in parking lots for six hours. I am nice, the overused adjective. I am patient, but not easy tempered. I will tear you apart and put you back together again upside down and backwards if you dare to cross me. Never challenge me. I will accept and obsess. Sometimes I don't think about what I say, yet almost always say what I think. I like to get my way. I pout when I don't.
I wish my life was simple...
I wish to be admired and loved... but doesn't everyone?
I watch as the world destroys itself. I scoff at the moths that flutter around on their backs, unable to fly, unable to fend for themselves. I watch as they drown under deceptive tears, and crushed under the soft, alabaster hands of beautiful monsters. I do nothing. Does that make me uncaring and cruel? No... truthful and sincere. I do nothing because my words of warning are never requited. My words of caution, or helpful guidance fall like salt upon a wet sidewalk.
I will not baby you. Grow up.
I hate sentences that end in prepositions. And, I hate sentences that begin with "and". I enjoy spring-boarding. I love donuts and Snoopy.
I am looked down upon because I will not conform to any form of non-conformity. I am not politically correct. I am shunned because I refuse to accept severe liberal ideals, or extreme conservative mentalities. I am a paradigm. I choose a life of moderation and morals. I am the gypsy of politics, the vagrant of normality, the queen of the theater, the king of procrastinators, the prince of your dreams, the tyrant against stupidity, the despot of ice cream, and the purveyor of all things cute and fuzzy. I am your executioner and your hero. I am the guillotine.
I live in my own head. I have my own way of thinking. I am a creative marvel and an analytical jackass.
I am me.
Kiss me.
Judge me.
Bite me.
Hate me.
Love me
Forget me...
Welcome to my world. Spaces are limited...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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I'd love to meet you, and possibly the person standing next to you... but only because they're with you.

My Blog

As I ponder and prune...

400 pages.My book has reached 400 pages.It has finally hit me that my book has reached 400 pages.I worry because it has finally hit me that my book has reached 400 pages.Dave Eggars is my literary her...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 20:42:00 GMT

The Gym Diaries of a Very Gay Man - Volume 1

The Gym Diaries of a Very Gay Man - Volume 1: The Journey Begins - or -  How I Learned to Stop Complaining and Join a Gym, Dammit!.................. .r{} @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 17:00:00 GMT

Under watchful shadow of snow-capped palisades...

OK, so I have returned to the Lands of Mist and I'm trying to make sense of what I've written so far... it's a tangled mess in terms of writing in a linear arc. The Prologue and Chapter One of Volume ...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:30:00 GMT

The hardest thing...

Never in the least could I ever imagine how difficult it is to write a novel. I can safely say that it is the hardest thing I have ever done, truly. I am mentally drained. I am at a poi...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:30:00 GMT