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Go suck on a lemon

About Me

I'm not very good at this about me thing. I've really got into slap bass recently, playing it, I've been watchin Victor Wooten and I'm really glad I did because I realised I have the ability to play stuff way beyond what I assumed I could do. He's ridiculously inspirational, so youtube him, all you bass players out there! I've put up a Music player, it has a few choons that I quite like at the moment, I'll try to change the playlist and maybe upload some of my own material, but most likely I won't do either of these, also, if it doesn't work, my files may have been deleted as I exceded my 50MB limit oooooorrrrrrr. . . the bandwidth may have been exceeded, thats 1000MB, not quite a Gig haha. It's refreshed daily, I'm unsure of whether it runs off of GMT or American time, and even further, which American time zone.

My Interests

I like music and film mostly.
I love my guitars, all of them, I have one classical, that was my first one. I have one bass, that came second, I want to change the pickup on that on. And Finally, I have an electric, A Gibson SG special to be specific, I have fitted two seymour duncan pickups on, in replacement of the stock ones and I have them coil tapped and anti phased(switchable).

I can do all these pickup changes and that sort of thing if you're interested.

I have been going swimming now for about 8 and a half years, more than half my life, so i suppose that could count as an interest, I go twice a week now, both for an hour I used to go more and represent this glorious town, but not any longer.

I am actually an audio freak aswell, I like good sound quality, though I can't afford it, I would like to buy a pair of floorstanding tannoys one day, when i have some form of income. err. . .sorry to keep mentioning my lack of money, Pete would know best, i think every time we talk I say that I'm poor haha.

I'd like to meet:

I would really like to meet David Bowie, he seems like a really nice guy and he's extremely imaginative so conversation with him should be amazing! Michael Caine, I think he's brilliant, and well funny too, admired him for ages, I'd love to meet him. I would love to meet Jimmy Page aswell, he is my guitaring Idol, as you would call it. Yeah, I just love 'im, even if he's got a little bit on the old side, and he stopped doing the zeppelin thing 12 years before I was born

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Hondo Maclean



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I listened to my music thing, (up a bit and to the right) and I realised that I like quite a bit of screamy music, but I'm not quite so one dimensional in my music tastes, I have Imogen heap on there, thats nice, no screaming or anything (Y) and postal service, I just didn't have enough space to put as much music as I would have liked. I am into many different genres, such as:
screamy, but not death metal screamy, has to have some structure at least, electronic, classic rock, pop music, such as the beetles, blues, country, and western, folk music aswell, reggae, acoustic, progressive anything, especially jazz, thats mental shizz that is, indie, a bit of rap, I actually DO listen to some, such as immortal technique, what music does outkast count as? RnB right?
and. . . that just about sums it up I think.

A list of bands I like, in order of thought:

they're the main band up here, I like them very very much. -Hondo Maclean
Although they are no longer a band, their influence and music will stay with me for years to come, so glad I went to see them back in June as I most probably will not get that chance again. -The Future...
The new Hondo Maclean, just as good i believe, I've only heard two songs, but I want to go see them live anyway, and I would love to get their album. Once it comes out. -Thom Yorke
I've been listening to this fella recently(thanks Lester)Good stuff, yeh. Love black swan, I think it's the best on the album. -Deadkidsongs
love 'em, so good. 'nough said. -Radiohead
love these too, Thom Yorke's counterparts. -Aphex Twin
best electronic music there is (H) -Alexisonfire
I like accidents, the rest, not so much -David Bowie
writing everything I like about him would take up too much space. -Exit ten
saw them in Yeovil for collision course for the first time, been into them ever since. -Devil Sold His Soul
these are, for me, a very similar situation as above -Led Zeppelin
gotta love their music, especially their live stuff. Plus Jimmy Page is definately the most influencial person in my guitar playing. -Imogen Heap
I think she has a really beautiful voice, love Hide and seek. -Million Dead
Good stuff, haHAH, shame I it took them splitting up for me to notice them really. -Pink floyd
ah so good, it's all about the great gig in the sky -The Postal service
Got into them so much of late. love his voice. -The prodigy
mental, would absolutely love to see them live. -Rage against the machine
Would love to see these live too, I was once obsessed with them, but not so much anymore. Guthrie Govan
ahh, he is too cool, he's a pure good guitarist, Pete Graves kindly introduced me to him. Proceed
ahh, they are too cool, liked them for a fair amount of time, but I only used to listen to one song (telescopes) Thoughts Collide
I think they are well good, and they are nice people too, and well good live, should you like their music, you won't be disappointed with their live performances ^_^


My main favourites are as follows
A Clockwork Orange
The Saw films
The Wickerman
Tyhe hound of the Baskervilles
Monty Pythion, to an extent
Executive decision
The Italian Job (old one)
Spongebob Squarepants
The Labyrinth
Donnie Darko
Zulu(gotta love Michael Caine)
Forrest Gump
Wayne's World 1&2
The world's fastest Indian
Green Street


I don't really watch TV, I do like the real hustle though
and warner brothers cartoons.


I'm not really into the whole reading scene, I would like to be, but I just can't be arsed
I read on holiday, but thats about it
hitchikers guide to the galaxy, I found out Douglas Adams died in 2001, I was quite saddened :(