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About Me

Pacific Northwest via the Great Plains.

My Interests


Member Since: 07/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: intact
Influences: many, many peoples, places, plants, animals, members of the fungal kingdom, vegetable kingdom and the number 9...television commercials, family, friends and enemiessomewhere in the recesses and peripheries of my psyche are tidbits of wisdom from Joseph Campbell, Dhyani Ywahoo, Robert Johnson, Robert A. Johnson, Carl Jung, Jack Kornfield, Stan Grof, Bradford Keeney and Herman HesseI have had the privilege of learning from people like Roger Pitts, Toby Hemmenway, Victor Wooten, Jon Young, Cree Rider, Matt Rice, Bruce Smith, Brad Maestas, Cedar Moon, Clarence B. Henry, Paul Levy, Jes Karper, Steve and Erin LeikerMy current projects include and are unlimited to: solo world partnership, consensus4, plantingculture, deephistory, hemplification, TLCfarm, transformations and more (PNW)
Sounds Like: the quietest sound one can imagine
Record Label: ritebrainrecords

My Blog

Misisipi Rider performs Break Free From These Bars
Posted by on Sun, 09 Aug 2009 19:52:00 GMT

Plain Jane
Posted by on Sun, 09 Aug 2009 19:47:00 GMT