Layout by CoolChaser
Iwas born in Lisbon, Portugal, and entered the world of music by the age of 13. At 16 was part of a rock band playing the guitar, percussion and as singer. In 1998, I got in touch with electronic music, specially psy-trance.My first experience as a Dj was in a private trance party organized by my group of friends. After that, I decided to take djing more seriously and along came the opportunity to play with well-knowned national and international artists like Metronome or Neotone and Tenka (Audiobahn Records - Denmark), Perfect Strenger,Yuli (Perfect Stranger),Pena, Nano Mechanic, Jonh-e, Steve Menta, D-Teckor, Lynx, Spikers, Fahze, Bandidos (Dezesperados), Miss Nutz, CateringN7, Klop Feber, Policuska, ProgBeat, AeshiTakeshi, Sigmaphtii, Ivã, Mamaduk, Miguel Mat-oz, Robbert Mendez, Olivs, Propulsion, M-David, TwinTech, Loguy, Jeronimo Hartmann, Diogo (Hyperflow), Floating Machine, Random Mode,Gooyz, Cyclops, Smiley Pixie and more...and Vj..s like F-usion, Droid, Dr Xibam and X. . In 2006, I had the chance to be a part of UTA - United Trance Artists, an organization dedicated to psy-trance parties, and also won a DJ contest in the national radio where I got the chance to show my work and my hability behind the decks. In December 2006, I was invited by Quantic Chill Records (, as a Progressive/Electro/Trance Dj, whom I want to say thankx for the support. In September 2007, played in a private after hours party, thrown by D-Tector (, who later invited me to work with him in Spark records and agency (, as a Minimal/Tecno Dj. A special thankx. And also to Spikers, for inviting me, to be a part of FreshBreak@udioevents ( / freshbreakaudioevents). Finally, Hynka would like to thank a few people for the great suppport along these years, mainly: Nano-Mechanic (producer)(, Dj Ciclops (, and Radio Oxigenio 102.6 FM, for the support and for playing my mixes. A big special thankx to my wife for her support and for being the true soul of all my work...And my daughter, for being my reason to be... And everyone who enjoys and supports it. 8
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