-PrincE DiomaR- profile picture

-PrincE DiomaR-

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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HoW cAn I dEsCrIbE mAhSeLf,A gOOd bOy (kUnO!),A dEAd mAn wAlkIng,A bUllY qUEEn, AttEmptEd 2 b A cOmpUtEr prOgrAmer A phYsIcAl thErApIst EvEn (BSHRM & BS BIO)bUt nOw A gRaDuAtE iN bAtChElOr iN sCiEnCe In nUrsIng, frUstrAtEd bAskEtbAll plAyEr, sIngEr And dAncEr(huhu),phYsIcAlY monster(grrrr!!),mAth wIzArd(haha)A ROCKER! Im A lOUd pErsOn! I mAy l00k snObbIsh At All bUt OncE yOU gEt tO knOw mE wE cAn prEttY mUch gEt AlOng,I lOvE 2 sAy "ROCK ON DUDE!!!!" Im sImplE bUt I cAn rOck Ur wOrld,hahaha!!!I LoVe pOeTrY AnD I WaTcH PoRn. I BeLiEvE ThAt pOeTrY Is a pRiVaTe aFfAiR. a kInD Of mAsTuRbAtIoN. aN EnDlEsS SeLf-pOrTrAiT. i aM NoT StUpId aNd nOt hUmBlE. i hAtE DuMb pEoPlE. i aLsO HaTe pEoPlE WhO ArE OvErLy vUlGaR (sAy, A PaRlOrIsTa?), PrEtEnTiOuS (aS ElAbOrAtEd bY ThE SoNg cOmPlIcAtEd bY ThE JuVeNiLe dElInQuEnT AvRiL LaViGnE),AnD I DeFiNiTeLy hAtE SoCiAl cLiMbErS (aNd bOy aBuNdA Is mY ClAsSiC ExAmPlE).I LoVe hAnGiN' oUt wItH PeOpLe wHo aRe hOnEsT,dIpLoMaTiC,oPeN-MiNdEd,TaLkAtIvE,aNd pEoPlE WhO ArE EaSy tO GeT AlOnG WiTh. I DeSpIsE PlAtIcS!i lOvE GoInG To tHe mOvIeS AnD I LoVe aLl tHe gEnReS (mUsIc).bUt i rEaLlY HaTe rIcHaRd gOmEz fOr nO ApPaReNt rEaSoN.i dUnNo,I JuSt dO.aNyWaY,i aM NoT InTo sPoRtS VeRy mUcH BuT I WaTcH NbA.i lOvE MiNd gAmEs,AnD AlL SoRtS Of wOrD GaMeS.i aM A PoKeMaNiAc aNd bEcAuSe oF ThAt,YoU MiGhT HaVe gUeSsEd tHaT I Am aN AtHeIsT.i iDoLiZe aLbErT CaMuS--tHe eXiStEnTiAlIsT ExTrAoRdInAiRe.I AlSo cOlLeCt mObIlE PhOnEs.I TrAdE MmS WiTh fRiEnDs aNd aNyBoDy wHo wAnTs tO SwAp cOoL PiX WiTh mE.i aM A PlUs-sIzEd gUy bUt i aM NoT UgLy.As yOu cAn sEe,I ReAlLy aIn't.WeLl,ReAdInG ThIs iNtRo aBoUt mE,yOu mIgHt hAvE NoTiCeD ThAt i aM ChIlDiSh.I Do nOt dEnY ThAt.I LoVe fUn.AlThOuGh sOmEtImEs,I GeT ShY.aT TiMeS,tHeY ThInK Am gAy oR GaY-IsH,wElL,i cOuLdN'T CaRe lEsS.i dOn't bOtHeR KnOwInG OtHeR PeOpLe's sExUaLiTy bEcAuSe i aM NoT EvEn sO SuRe aBoUt mInE (j/k). aS LoNg aS pEoPlE i DeAl WiTh ReSpEcT mE,tReAt Me WeLl,NoThInG mAtTeRs MoRe.I aM nOt MuCh Of A wRiTeR.^" "^ .. classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase='http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cab s/flash/swflash.cab..version=7,0,0,0' width='703' height='125' id='strip-viewer-1' align='middle' Subscribe Blog Snip

My Interests

mY lOptOp, mY cEllphOnE, bIllIArds, vOllEybAll, A bAstA AnYthIng thAt Is sExUAllY And IntElEctUAllY stImUlAtIng.....:-)

I'd like to meet:

OrIgInAl pEoPlE WiTh uNiQuE PeRsOnLiTiEs.iT DoEsN'T InTeReSt mE WhAt yOu dO FoR A LiViNg. I WaNt tO KnOw wHaT YoU AcHe fOr, AnD If yOu dArE To dReAm oF MeEtInG YoUr hEaRt's lOnGiNg. It dOeSn't iNtErEsT Me hOw oLd yOu aRe. I WaNt tO KnOw iF YoU WiLl rIsK LoOkInG LiKe a fOoL FoR LoVe, FoR YoUr dReAm, FoR ThE AdVeNtUrE Of bEiNg aLiVe. It dOeSn't iNtErEsT Me wHaT PlAnEtS ArE SqUaRiNg yOuR MoOn. I WaNt tO KnOw iF YoU HaVe tOuChEd tHe cEnTeR Of yOuR OwN SoRrOw, If yOu hAvE BeEn oPeNeD By lIfE'S BeTrAyAlS Or hAvE BeCoMe sHrIvElEd aNd cLoSeD FrOm fEaR Of fUrThEr pAiN! i wAnT To kNoW If yOu cAn sIt wItH PaIn, MiNe oR YoUr oWn, WiThOuT MoViNg tO HiDe iT Or fAdE It, Or fIx iT. i wAnT To kNoW If yOu cAn bE WiTh jOy, MiNe oR YoUr oWn, If yOu cAn dAnCe wItH WiLdNeSs aNd lEt tHe eCsTaSy fIlL YoU To tHe tIpS Of yOuR FiNgErS AnD ToEs wItHoUt cAuTiOnInG Us tO Be cArEfUl, To bE ReAlIsTiC, tO ReMeMbEr tHe lImItAtIoNs oF BeInG HuMaN. iT DoEsN'T InTeReSt mE If tHe sToRy yOu aRe tElLiNg mE Is tRuE. i wAnT To kNoW If yOu cAn dIsApPoInT AnOtHeR To bE TrUe tO YoUrSeLf; If yOu cAn bEaR ThE AcCuSaTiOn oF BeTrAyAl aNd nOt bEtRaY YoUr oWn sOuL; iF YoU CaN Be fAiThLeSs aNd tHeReFoRe tRuStWoRtHy. I WaNt tO KnOw iF YoU CaN SeE BeAuTy eVeN WhEn iT'S NoT PrEtTy, EvErY DaY, aNd iF YoU CaN SoUrCe yOuR OwN LiFe fRoM ItS PrEsEnCe. I WaNt tO KnOw iF YoU CaN LiVe wItH FaIlUrE, yOuRs aNd mInE, aNd sTiLl sTaNd sTrOnG. iT DoEsN'T InTeReSt mE To kNoW WhErE YoU LiVe oR HoW MuCh mOnEy yOu hAvE. i wAnT To kNoW If yOu cAn gEt uP, aFtEr tHe nIgHt oF GrIeF AnD DeSpAiR, wEaRy aNd bRuIsEd tO ThE BoNe, AnD Do wHaT NeEdS To bE DoNe tO FeEd tHe cHiLdReN. iT DoEsN'T InTeReSt mE WhO YoU KnOw oR HoW YoU CaMe tO Be hErE. i wAnT To kNoW If yOu wIlL StAnD In tHe cEnTeR Of tHe fIrE WiTh mE AnD NoT ShRiNk bAcK. iT DoEsN'T InTeReSt mE WhErE Or wHaT Or wItH WhOm yOu hAvE StUdIeD. i wAnT To kNoW WhAt sUsTaInS YoU, fRoM ThE InSiDe, WhEn aLl eLsE FaLlS AwAy. I WaNt tO KnOw iF YoU CaN Be aLoNe wItH YoUrSeLf aNd iF YoU TrUlY LiKe tHe cOmPaNy yOu kEeP In tHe eMpTy mOmEnTs.wHo? HuH? wHaT? yEs, Im a tHaT CrAzY!!!just add me its [email protected]




tHeRe's jUsT ToO MaNy tO LiSt -- LoRd oF ThE RiNgS, iNdIaNa jOnEs tRiLoGy, BaCk tO ThE FuTuRe tRiLoGy, StAr wArS(AlLo f eM), ThE GoOnIeS, tHe pRiNcEsS BrIdE, tHe sHaWsHaNk rEdEmPiOn, ThE TeRmInAtOr mOvIeS MoUlIn rOuGe, BeAuTiFuL MiNd, I Am sAm, SpIdErMaN...JuSt wAy tOo mUcH. mY CuRrEnT FaVeS InClUdE LoSt iN TrAnSlAtIoN, tHe lAsT SaMuRaI AnD TrOy. My aLl tImE FaVoRiTe mOvIe iS SwInGeRs wItH JoN FaVrEaU AnD ViNcE VaUgHn. AnD I'Ll aDmIt tHaT My fAvOrItE TyPe oF MoViE Is tHe rOmAnTiC CoMeDy tYpE... mOuLiN RoUgE, bEaUtIfUl mInD, i aM SaM, sPiDeRmAn, LoTr12&3, HaRrY PoTtEr 1&2BeInG A FaVoRiTe oF MiNe.


i tHiNk i wAtCh wAaAy tOo mUcH TeLeViSiOn. ThErE ArE 7 ShOwS ThAt i aBsOlUtElY CaNnOt mIsS, oR I'Ll gO CrAzY: aLiAs, AnGeL, fRiEnDs, TrU CaLlInG SmAlLvIlLe, SeX In tHe cItY AnD FeAr fAcToR..


sOmE CoLlEcTiBlE ItEmS, mArVeL CoLlEcTiBlE CoMiCs, DiCk tRaCy, ThE SoUrCe mAgAzInE, cOoK BoOkS, sOmE BiOgRaPhY Of iNtErEsTiNg pEoPlE'S, eNcYcLoPeDiA, dIcTiOnArY

My Blog

The Third Sex

GAYS& THE THIRD SEX& &I am appendage!"The man who sees both sides of the questions is the man who sees nothing at all."  Oscar WildeI can see some real situation&reality&profoundly&. In this world of...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 11:20:00 PST

Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain hits the core of my being like no other movie has...except perhaps Dead Poets' Society. Who I am, what I am, who I want to be - these are the questions I have once again been...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 09:50:00 PST

i play my own game

i love life. i love my freedom.i have my own life and i do exactly as i please. i dont sharewell. i dont do well with havingto live up to other people's expectations. we all play by ourown rules and i...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 12:06:00 PST

if you love yourself then read this

this message is for the people who engage in sex just for pleasure, for using other people... i don't generalize the whole lgbt community okay... if you've read this then just repost this message... i...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


....And i can only dreamof holding you ONE MORE TIME;...And i can only whispersilent WISHES;Longing for your love again,That's all I do TO HAVE ONE CHANCE AGAIN WITH YOU.....
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


  I am afraid of giving you this letter, I know the risks involved&it sends a cold shiver down my spine and it breaks this heart of mine. But your action speaks louder than any of the words you h...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Being Twenty-Something

They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis." It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are a lot of things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You ...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. While false friend are like autumn leaves scattered everywhere. As I can see, this saying about friends and friendships hold true especially with...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


In the paradox of life, which has been set for a long time ago, there is simply nothing that can coexist in harmony. There would always be negative and positive pole that would oppose each other. And ...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I thought you had forgotten, so I choose to be alone. I still remember every inch of your face and all the love I once felt. Since I'm alone now, I'll await for night to fall. I'll never stop th...
Posted by -PrincE DiomaR- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST