THE UNDISPUTED TRUTH. profile picture


why is it that the ones who taught us to walk, are the ones we're running away from?

About Me

my name is andy and i play drums for With Hearts Of Heroes
A few things i love: life, my girlfriend, friends and music, coffee, posi [pepsi] cola.. and i miss my fellow drumming buddy.. Cory Pierceall [RIP]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


= [email protected]
= drummerguypearl


lately i've been listening to a lot of:
Stay Gold
Bloody Sunday
Ferocious Uppercut!
Relient K
Hanover Saints
The Comeback Kid
Diehard Youth
Anam Cara
underoath [cries of the past, best cd ever]


Cory Pierceall [RIP]
My dad
Elyce Naylon.
my girlfriend. she's been the only person who can CONSTANTLY make me laugh and no matter how bad of a mood i'm in, she always makes it better. She has taught me to appreciate what i have and realize that I'm lucky. She has showed me love that NO OTHER girl i've ever known has, it's pretty amazing. I can tell her anything, and i know that my secrets are safe with her. If i need to cry, she's the person i first think of to call. She is such a great girl and loves what i love, wants the same things out of life, has the same interests, beliefs and views. It's truly amazing that I've found my match this early in life. Elyce Kristin Naylon is truly my best friend and soulmate. Forever True.

My Blog

Hello Substance! [song i wrote]

Hi my name is substance I usually come in the form of an occasion Maybe by choice, maybe by persuasion Use me, abuse me just don't seclude me I love to have fun too You'll start out with every once i...
Posted by THE UNDISPUTED TRUTH. on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:56:00 PST