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Becca lynn

God bless the troops!! hurry home Jason!!img src=

About Me

hi im Becca im 17 years old i live in a house. lol everybody does. i like mudding,4wheelers,skateboarding,playing my guitar,singing,,swimming,playing on the computer, talking on the phone,i love planes(one day i would love to be a fighter pilot for the US Air Force!i love meeting new people(as in friends)i can be really shy sometimes and it takes me a while to warm up to someone new but not all the time.i go to craven community college. i am very hyper active i cant calm down half the time so thats how i get in trouble most of the time. i love being me it's fun! most people who hang around me can say that to.

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Name: Becca lynn Edwards
Birthdate: feb-6th-1990
Birthplace: kinston nc
Current Location:
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'5
Weight: 123
Piercings: belly button
Tatoos: not yet
Overused Phraze: thats dank!
Food: chinese and mexican
Candy: starburst
Number: 6 and 7
Color: green
Animal: monkey
Drink: sweet tea
Alcohol Drink: rum and gold slogger
Bagel: i dont know
Body Part on Opposite sex: ahha you probaly thought i was gonna say something nasty i like the eyes and lips!!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: mcdonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea. who drinks thier tea hot? thats nasty!
Chocolate or Vanilla vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Kiss or Hug: both cause you cant have a hug with out a kiss.
Dog or Cat: both
Rap or Punk: punk
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: love
Bedtime: dont have one i hust fall asleep when i get tired.
Most Missed Memory: hanging out with my uncle who passed away.
Best phyiscal feature: my ass
First Thought Waking Up:
Goal for this year: go back to church!
Best Friends: Toni,Brittany.v.,ashley heath,john paul,and so many others.
Weakness: a country boy!
Fears: spiders and snakes
Ever Drank: yes
Ever Smoked: yeah
Pot: a few time
Ever been Drunk: oh yea planty of times
Ever been beaten up: nope never
Ever beaten someone up: not really i just hit them and they went to bed!
Ever Skinny Dipped: once it was fun
Favorite Eye Color: blue
Favorite Hair Color: dont really matter
Short or Long: short i have to be able to tell my guy apart from a chick!
Height: taller then me
Style: country
Looks or Personality: personality
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: ??????
Muscular or Really Skinny: dont matter but have some meat on them bones i dont want to break them! haha
Number of Regrets in the Past: alot
What country do you want to Visit: i dont know
How do you want to Die: no pain and fast!!!
Been to the Mall Lately: yea
Do you like Thunderstorms: nope
Get along with your Parents: my mom always but me and my step dad have our times but we still love each other!
Health Freak: sum wut.
Do you think your Attractive: i dont know i dont judge my self.
Believe in Yourself: yes
Want to go to College: im in college
Do you Smoke: yes
Do you Drink: yes
Shower Daily: hell yes 3 a day you cant get me out of the shower!
Been in Love: im in love now
Do you Sing: yes
Want to get Married: yes
Do you want Children: yes
Have your future kids names planned out: not really
Hate anyone: i dont hate i dislike and yes i do.

My Interests

MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! God!!! skateboarding,Sports,and my dog and also i love Canada,my family and friends are my is the best sport ever! baseball and soccer are great sports too!music is everything in my life with out it id go crazy!

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planes are my life!!!!
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I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet Avenged sevenfold,Bam margera,buck cherry,amy lee,good charlotte, simple plan,and jesus!

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Buck Cherry,Avenged sevefold,Good charlotte,shinedown,smile empty soul,disturbed,korn,Hinder,nickelback,guns and roses,ozzy,metallica,seether,evanesence,jimmy eat world,Toby keith, Garth Brookes,Gary Allan,Lonestar,gretchen wilson,shania twain,alison krauss,Brooks and dunn,Kenny chesney,Tim mcgraw,faith Hill,Gwen/Nodout,cledus.t.judd,Hilary duff,crazy town,JoJo,shikira,rehanna,justin timberlake,the fray,and my chemical baby boy can sing better then any of them! lol

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PeterPan,the notebook,dirty dancing,cars,the pride of the yankees,feild of dreams,angels in the out feild,cadet Kelly,raise your voice,million dollar baby,Rocky,top gun,stealth,pearl harbor,ladder49,backdraft,tears of the sun,anger management,cat women,reign of fire,finding neverland,sky high,superman/has to be the one with christopher reeves in it. i hate fake superman!,Rugrats go wild, all the Harry potter movies, saving private ryan,and the covenant/witch i think is the best movie ever!!!!

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i love watching Greys Anatomy!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the best show ever! but why watch t.v. when i can watch me and my boyfriend go at it? lol
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ive only read one good book resently, The Puppit but The Raven by eager allen poe is one of my faves but i also love Romeo and Juliet.

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my heros are God, my mother,my big brother danny,my big bro jason, my boy friend is a great person so he is my hero and my best friend he saves me more then he will ever know!!!,my good friend jhon paul,my best friend Toni,the band Good Charlotte,superman/haha,my grandparents/my moms parents,my memaw/my dads mom,my aunt judy,and my little brother saves me more then he will ever know! with out you guys in my life id be someone id not want to be you all save me more then you will ever know!!!!

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