Music!! Movies, Piercings, Tattoos, Thrift Stores, Mark Ryden, Computer stuff, Harry Potter, Hello Kitty, Kitties, Conor Oberst, anything pink, glittery stuff, Edward Norton, Reading
VnV Nation, The Birthday Massacre, Hocico, Suicide Commando, Wumpscut, Tactical Sekt, In Strict Confidence, FiendFlug, Psyclon Nine, Asphyxia, Frontline Assembly, Yelworc, Dulce Liquido, Unter Null, Icon of Coil, Ayria, Die Sektor, Amduscia, Zombie Girl, Combichrist, The Genitortures, Skinny Puppy, Seabound, Depeche Mode, The Smiths, Iris, the Dresden Dolls, Jack off Jill, Scarling, Porcelain and the Tramps, Collide, Bright Eyes, Rilo Kiley, The Arcade Fire, The Cure, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Killswitch Engage, Converge, the Locust, The Dead 60s, the Bravery, Bloc Party, Tori Amos, Fiona Apple, She Wants Revenge
Vanilla Sky, Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas, Trainspotting, Nightmare Before Christmas, American History X, Fight Club....anything with Edward Norton rocks my socks. Horror and Zombie movies. I adopted a cute lil' emo fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
Nip/Tuck, House, CSI, Law and Order SVU, Oz, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
adopt your own virtual pet!
The Harry Potter series, and anything by Chuck Pallahniuk...