People who have a positive influence on my lifeAn Arian is almost overflowing with energy, ready to be applied to all areas of life. Dynamic and confident Aries is a natural leader, sensitive in nature but apt to override the sensitivity of others when the occasion demands. Enthusiastic and generous in love and friendship an Arian is the ideal ally, be wary however of deceiving such a character. Headstrong and quick tempered an Arian is likely to cast aside those who are less motivated and fearful.A Taurus is loyal, quick-witted and practical. A faithful and generous friend Taurus exhibits considerable love and respect for those close to the heart. The Taurus soul searches for peace and harmony and is thus slow to anger and quick to placate any heated situation. Generally creative and ambitious, Taurus may occasionally need a push in the right direction to get up out of the daily rut.