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Next Generation

I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Schwul, Lesbische und Bisexuelle Boys und Girls zwischen 14 und 25

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////// Friends //////

Who is this Derek guy?

I've got 22 years of trickiness and creativity under my belt. And... according to a questionnaire which I took while sitting in a class I didn't belong in, I have a 75% social desirability. Maybe I should focus my educational aspirations on a psych major so I can sit around all day and answer true / false tests to find out how desirable I am?

What's there to say? Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Literally. I'm that back country hiker who didn't bother to heed the warning signs that read Park Closed: Hungry Wild Ass-Bears Seen Mauling Hikers. I went ahead and ignored the signs, ran into a beastly bear, fell into a Batman lair-like cave as I tried to outrun the bastard, and got myself wedged between hell and a giant boulder. So I have a little extra baggage I have to carry around. The emotional kind. Who doesn't have any of that? The question is where's the lost & found when you need it?

I want to meet someone to pick the bones out of my fish. I hate getting pricked by those damn things during dinner. I also want to meet someone who can tell the difference between Haribo and Black Forest gummi bears based on taste alone. They're not the same dammit!

Sometimes what you're looking for is staring right back at you.


Vitals /////////

Age :: Twenty Two
Body :: Six Two
Status :: Nag-iisa
Here for :: Friends / Networking
Orientation :: Women
Hometown :: Seattle
Ethnicity :: Pacific Islander
Occupation :: Geek

Interests /////////

Music :: The clang of pots n' pans or random nonsense humming.
Books :: Huh? Don't people give these to short friends to sit on?
Movies :: The Incredibles
Design :: Projects never look the way they look in my head

Links /////////

5ThirtyOne :: Journal Design Eyecandy
UNEASYsilence :: Observing the unobserved
Flickrstream :: Personal Flickr photostream :: Sometimes I find the good stuff

:: View All


"Practice safe lunch....use a condiment"

The Junkyard

I'm never content with whatever I'm working on. Aesthetically, anything I tweak is a direct reflection of my personality and tastes. Consider this profile - which I dub derkilicious - an ever changing work in progress. The original color schemes can be found here . The layout has some minor issues with IE, Safari, and Opera. Can I recommend Firefox or Flock ? Use Intercrap Explorer as a last resort.

Best viewed in Firefox :: Layout by 5ThirtyOne :: Ask First

My Blog

next generation am COD Zug 2007

Zusammen mit dem LesBiSchwulen Treff Zug, der Elternorganisation FELS und der Aidshilfe Zug veranstalten wir den Coming Out Day 2007 in Zug!Dieses Jahr gibt's keine Standaktion, aber einen Tag der off...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 09:48:00 GMT

The L-Open Air am 14. Juli 2007!

Mona Lila aus Luzern präsentiert das erste Open-Air für Frauen und Freunde! Ab 16 Uhr sind die Pforten geöffnet und von 18 Uhr bis 24 Uhr rocken unsere Bands. Mit dabei sind vier Acts aus der Schwei...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 08:36:00 GMT