are you kidding?! a man, in a really nice camper, wants to put our song on the radio. i'm signing!
teaser 2 (c/o iwillshootyou)
im always hesitant to quote people, but i think Ryan Adams actually hit the nail on the head with this one:
"I stopped reading reviews, because I don’t need someone to tell me how many stars all this intense weighted emotion from a time in my life equals. To hold that up to some scale? To me that’s counterproductive. It’s like if somebody gives you a hug. You’re like, ‘OK, that’s three out of five. Your intentions were good, but the way you patted my back at the end, that felt a little hollow.’ Hell, I still think that records are little wishes, little greetings. If they help you along the way, beautiful."
that's kinda where teneightEight is coming from. hope you like it.