Whats up?
My name is Mauricio Molinari. I live in cold ass Sweden where I make music videos and commercials with my friends and clients. Come join in!
Worked with artists: AFC, ADL, Awa, Alibi, The Attic, Blacknuss, Blues, BWO, Christian Walz, Clockwork, Daddy Boastin, Deportees, Dilba, Fattaru, Fjärde Världen, Heli, Kalle Kath, HighWon, Ison & Fille, Kamera, Lambretta, Lilleman, Masayah, Martin Bentancourt, Mando Diao, Melody Club, Paragon, Pauline, Petter, Salem Al Fakir, Satirnine, Sam E, Slix, Therese, Timbuktu, The Latin Kings…
Commercials: Coca-Cola, Glocalnet, Volvohandlarna, Lotto, Tradera, Sylvester, Manpower, Norrlands Guld, El-Giganten, Göteborgs Kex, DN På Stan, Ving, Swedish Match...
Check out more work on www.molinariproductions.com and www.forsberg.se
BWO - Barcelona. My latest promo
Look Ma, I'm on TV! (the second half of the show)