More links than Zelda |
It's time for more of Muffins Ball Stompingly Awesome Linkage. I'll get right to it since I have little time and less to say.
1500 inmates dance together. What can I say, I guess Thriller is popular a... Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 14:05:00 GMT |
Moral Poverty Cost Blacks in New Orleans |
Hoo boy, I'll bet this guy isn't popular. This is an article written by a black conservative. He says things that no white guy could ever get away with. I'm reserving my own opinion on this article so... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 19:45:00 GMT |
M.B.S.A.L. |
Well, as some of you know, my weekend was fraught with peril. Lots of crazy ass shit happened. Jail was involved. As was lots of booztastic hijinks. I figured it was about time for another episode of:... Posted by on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:30:00 GMT |
What is right with the world? |
Right, so peoples, it was about lunchtime that something blew my mind. Seriously, this event stopped me on the sidewalk, unzipped my skull, and dished out some tasty and skillfull deep throat for my b... Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 13:07:00 GMT |
Bob's back, and more links |
STOP! It's bliggin time!
The Notorious B.O.B. is back on the G105 Showgram. Thank you sweet mercifull array of Catholic Saints. Finally my god sent morning radio buddy is back, and with stories from t... Posted by on Sat, 19 May 2007 07:39:00 GMT |
follow these links before I cut myself |
As some of you pople may or may not know, I possess boundless wisdom. As it happens I was mulling over the events of my week and stumbled upon a mental gem of such significance that I stopped what I w... Posted by on Thu, 03 May 2007 19:02:00 GMT |
mad cool shiznit in da heezy |
Yeah actually not any cool shit at all. not even a real blog, so eat it suckers. Actually I am just testing to see if I can post some of the links I've been finding as of late because my woman just do... Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 17:03:00 GMT |
What's your sign? |
What is the deal with "signs"? Astrology or whatever? Do people really believe in this mumbo jumbo, or is it more like the news? Hey I'll watch it, but I don't believe it's true.
Apparently I'm an Ar... Posted by on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 21:41:00 GMT |
The lucky "little men" in army uniforms. |
Well I've been atempting to learn the ins and outs of this site. I found the feature where you can search for people who graduated from your high school on any given year. So I went a'browsin for peop... Posted by on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 20:29:00 GMT |
I've come to the dark side. |
So after years of technological procrastination, I've finally joined the axis of evil that is MySpace. Which means my non existant social life will have yet another crippling internet addiction to com... Posted by on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:08:00 GMT |