Like to go 4 wheeling, snowmobleing, spending time w/ hubby and son. I love to elk & deer hunt, w/ bow or rifle. I like fishing, to a point. If it is good, I'm there. If not, I'm not. I'll take a book to read.
New and old friends. To the old ones that I have lost tough with over the years. "How the hell are you and what have been up too"? To the new ones. "Where have you been all my life"? And once I add you I'll try to keep you. Unless you dump off your's. Which you better not. So to all my friends, love ya & keep in touch.
Like most anything. But NO RAP SHIT. I do LOVE COUNTRY!!!!!!
Most anything. I like the funny ones. Me and scary don't mix.
All the CSI's, Lost, Scrubs, Close to Home, Without a Trace, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Numbers, Nashville Star OH, just about anything.It is the shits when the seasons are over. I hate waiting for the next season. I always find more to watch, than I had been watching before.
Like to read most anything. Never use to like to read. Didn't have time for it. Now I love too. I make time for it. And I really like the author "Fern Michaels".
My Mom & Sister. They have always been there for me.