Elyan Fernova profile picture

Elyan Fernova

About Me

Elÿan Fernova was born in 1963 in Italy. Elyan moved to and currently still lives in Melbourne, Australia. He started to drive the neighbourhood insane with his incessant playing, from when he was only four years old. He studied drums with his teacher Mariano Manocchi (percussionist of the Italian State Television) for three years. At twenty years old Fernova decided to become a professional player. He went for a short summer course in Paris at the school of Dante Agostini. Fernova got the "big time" in 1985, when he was called to do a session in studio for a very famous band, named Via Verdi. He toured all Europe with this band that sold over three million records world wide, with the song Diamond. When someone asks Fernova: "What kind of drummer would you consider your-self?" He always answers: "I’m still working on it, you never can say I’ve got there, I’m happy with my playing. There is always a step forward and music is constantly changing. You must be open to listening to music from all backgrounds and have the courage and confidence to explore new musical boundaries. It’s very painful at times but I think at the end, it’s worthwhile to keep your spirit and your curiosity on learning, alive. For example I consider my self a pop drummer. I like to keep steady beats on the tracks both live and in the studio. That’s why I’ve always loved Carols Vega and Jeff Porcaro as they still are my main inspiration when I think in the terms of playing. You understand what they do, and to me the main work for a drummer, is to keep a steady beat, it’s the back bone of the whole thing."

At the moment Fernova is working as a teacher and brings with this a unique style of teaching to achieve the best results for his students. He also is in a number of cover bands that have regular gigs around Melbourne and other parts of the country. Elyan is also a session musician and has played for a number of upcoming Australian artists on their albums.
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart... Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside awakens." -Carl Jung-
Elyan endorses the below cymbals and drums
UFIP Cymbals
Le Soprano Drums
Profile design by Byron Trzeciak . Copyright belongs to Elyan Fernova

My Interests


Member Since: 12/6/2006
Band Website: http://www.myspace.com/elyanfernova
Sounds Like: Elyan Fernova - Tell Her (The Godzillas Recording Session)Elyan Fernova - Call My Name (The Godzillas Recording Session)

Elyan playing at The Ultimate Drummers Weekend 2002 - part 1

Elyan playing at The Ultimate Drummers Weekend 2002 - part 2

Via Verdi performs Sometimes Live

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Happy Xmas/Buon Natale

To all of you out there: Happy Xmas and a Fantastic 2009.Keep your dreams and hopes alive.....always!Elyan Fernova
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 14:42:00 GMT

Via Verdi and a Forum on them.

Hi, a lot of people are still asking me about Via Verdi and what happened to them. As i always say: when a project is finished to me, is finished; ....there no point talking or debating about it ...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 23:32:00 GMT

The studio session Videos for Godzillas

Hi out there, if you want to see the new studio video session we did for the work about the Godzillas project, please follow this lnks and ya'll see me playing in there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 16:30:00 GMT

The Godzillas and a video session.....

Hello, recently me and Danny Simcic we have finished to record drums for a new project called Godzillas. I will post here the videos of the session i did with Danny at the Base Studios in Melbourne. ...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 19:52:00 GMT

Another important project....

Hey yo' out there: Unfortunately the Rockstar Experience is over (at least for a month break). I say unfortunately because so far, this project as a drum-coach, has been for me one of the best thing i...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 19:04:00 GMT

A new uploaded song.....

Hello there, i wanted to upload a song by Dating Fate (recorded a while ago for their ep), which i love so much and which reflects a lot my feel and my playing the drums in it. It’s a straight 8...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:24:00 GMT

Elyan’s gone drum coach!!!!

Hey yo to everyone, recently i’ve been offered by a big company here in Australia, a position as a drum coach (that should be very interesting). If you want to know more about it, please go to t...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 15:59:00 GMT