Come out and help us at the SE Corner of Monroe Park (corner of Main & Belvidere) on Sundays at 4pm .
If you would like to help us prepare come to 2608 Hanover St between noon and 330pm.
Seriously, just show up, it's totally cool!
The name Food Not Bombs states our most fundamental principle: society needs to promote life, not death. Our society condones and even promotes violence and domination. This affects us in our everyday lives through the constant threat of violent crime, domestic violence, police repression and the threat of total annihilation from nuclear war. Such constant exposure to violence, including the threat thereof, leads many people to hopelessness and low self esteem. Authority and power is derived from the threat and use of violence. Globally, we continue to spend more time and resources developing, using, and threatening to use weapons of massive human and planetary destruction than on nurturing and celebrating life.
Poverty is violence. One expression of the violence of poverty is hunger. Millions of Americans, almost half children, go hungry every day and childhood malnutrition contributes heavily to infant mortality rates, which are higher in parts of the U.S. than in most other nations of the world. By spending money on bombs instead of food, our government perpetuates and exacerbates the violence of poverty by failing to provide food for everyone in need. Food Not Bombs has chosen to take a stand against violence. We are committed to nonviolent social change by giving out free vegetarian food thus celebrating and nurturing life.
Food Not Bombs is an organization devoted to developing positive personal, political, and economic alternatives. Often, revolutionaries are depicted as working for the overthrow of the government by any means necessary. Food Not Bombs groups, in general, do not have the time or resources to attack, tear down, or overthrow the existing death culture. By not spending our time trying to overthrow the existing power structure does not mean never struggle with it. By simply exerting our basic rights to free speech and association, we are challenging the power elite and they will try to stop us. However, we focus on what needs to be done. We want to create new alternatives. We want to create life affirming structures from the ground up. We want to replace the death culture with a culture of "Plumbers Not Bombs", "Daycare Not Bombs", and "Healthcare Not Bombs".