Currently serving hard time at Capitol Filmworks Inc working as a graphics designer/program troubleshooter. I absolutely LOVE all things ancient, and often find myself daydreaming of what life must have been like for ancient civilizations. I'd love to write a story or make a game based off of survival in a prehistoric/fantasy world.
I'm beginning to work on an animated feature. A comedy of sorts that my friends and I have been tossing around for some time now. I know nothing about animation so its a totally new experience for me. Right now its in the early stages: story writing, character design, and story boarding. Software is pretty expensive $400 - $3,000 so I have plenty of time to flesh out everything before I can even afford the investment into actually animating it. All of my friends are passionate about what they do and this drives my inspiration. This project is one of my dreams and its my destiny... If you've ever wanted to do voice over let me know!
When I'm not working, I'm mapping out story lines for my game (graphics card almost died so NWN module has been put on hold), playing the PC, Xbox, Gamecube, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, or PS2, jotting down notes or working on one of my many personal projects (I'm an artist so check out my portfolio album!), hanging with my dog, watching movies (big movie buff), eating wings with friends, drinking beer, enjoying a movie at the Rave, or chillin', Traveling with friends, visiting Family and Friends in Pensacola (I miss the beach!).
Rock-afire Documentary feature on Carson Daly
I HEART this video!