A short history and a shorter backphilosophy
Moriremo Tutti (We All Will Die): minimum information and maximum redundance.
A musical label that produces music from many genres, often electronic and not always dark, that many people play, mix and print from 1995, usualy getting fun and big satisfaction.
Now three CD-Rs has been published: OvO, Harshcore and Der Einzige. At this time you could also buy and listen Normality Edge, Norm and other projects on the website.
I almost forgot when Moriremo Tutti Records was born. Many times people asked me 'why that name?' (it means "We all Shall Die"). Well, I can give you many explanations, some cleaver too, but in fact that slogan is the biggest and funniest example of MINIMUM INFORMATIONS AND MAXIMUM REDUNDANCE (MINIMA INFORMAZIONE E MASSIMA RIDONDANZA).Moriremo Tutti Records CD-R