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About Me

I'm freaking awesome. I'm very possibly the coolest person you will ever meet or be friends with on myspace so if you've been looking for such a person stop now because you've found her. No but really i'm laid back and just trying to have fun in this life. I'm often told that i'm too sarcastic and mildly cynical. I just want REAL people and real straight foward shit in my life. For my blonde hair and blue eyed facade i can be pretty nuts but only if provoked. I'm all about sincerity...if you say something you bloody better fucking well mean it. I should have prefaced this with i rarely mean anything i say. Here i come ...look out world.

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My Interests

FINDING A REAL JOB. Right now i bartend which isn't necessarily a bad thing yet since finishing my masters degree in media about a year ago i've been seriously slacking on the that whole real world thing. To date I spend most of my time working and bouncing back and forth from NYC to OC (orange county, ny for those not in the loop). Hopefully this winter i'll settle down and get a grown up life but really who are we kidding.

I'd like to meet:

And it takes more time than ive ever had, drains the life from me, makes me want to forget. As young as i was, i felt older back then, more disciplined, stronger and certain. But i was scared to death of eternity, i was saved by grace and destroyed by naivety, and i lied to myself and said it was for the best.So now faith is replaced with logic so cold, ive disregarded what i was now that im older. And i know much more then i did back then, but the more i learn the more i cant understand. And ive become content with this life that i lead, where i drink to much and don't believe in much of anything. And i lie to myself, and say its for the best.Were moving forward but holding ourselves back, and were waiting on something that will never come... Were moving forward but holding ourselves back, and were waiting on something that will never comeWere moving forward but holding ourselves back, and were waiting on something that will never come (And i lie to myself, and say its for the best) straylight run


modest mouse, clash, mos def, dead prez, immortal technique, shelia chandra, augustos pablo, abyssinians, deltron, capelton, tori amos, death cab,pixies, weezer, talking heads, radiohead, beasties,descendents, johnny cash, esthero, killers, ben folds , ben lee, portishead, zeppelin,ninja toons, beck, kid koala, cure, blind melon, sublime, third eye blind, frou frou, anything really drum and bass or jungle etc...


Documentaries mostly. I love Errol Morris films I think he's brillant. I'm a sucker for crappy romantic comedies and well as kick ass action or kung-fu movies.


I love watching cooking shows and some crappy reality shows. But when you combine the two you get Top Chef which is probably my favorite show right now. I do also watch LOST which I'm not nearly as obsessed with as I used to be and it now being baseball season I'm usually glued to the tube when the Red Sox play.


i have way too many. most of which live in my storage unit in the bronx. sometimes i go there and visit but i think they feel super neglected. the pile living next to my bed right now consists of bukowski (who will always have a place next to my bed). Also a book by susan sontag about war photography, a book of plays by oscar wilde, and some vegetarian cookbook. I do like meat but i'm trying to hone my cooking skills. Oh and how could i forget the bill bryson book and some fiction called the alphabet of far kind of interesting. If we discuss all the books in my ipod well then we might be here a while.


Kimma, my mom, rumi, and marshall mcluhan b/c we live in his village

My Blog

fucking bullshit blogs

so apparently my myspace got hacked and someone or some thing posted some rather inappropriate and raunchy things, but thanks to some observant beings it was caught and removed quickly(thanks kim).
Posted by amelia on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 02:06:00 PST

good night and good luck

To those who say, "People wouldn'tlook, they wouldn't be interested...""...they're too complacent,indifferent and insulated"... ...I can only reply: There is,in one reporter's opinion... ...
Posted by amelia on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:01:00 PST

resolution 2006

    In the year 2006 I resolve to:         Dedicate my life to making someone else's horribly miserable.           &nbs...
Posted by amelia on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 03:51:00 PST

live from baghdad

i'm currently viewing this flickthis quote just struck meON KUWAITWe're in Hell. This was the biggest forestin the history of the worId. Dinosaurs. Then...
Posted by amelia on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 11:21:00 PST

lenny bruce

for those of you not farmiliar w/ lenny bruce's work and life i sincerely suggest you get the fuck out and check his stuff out. Lenny Bruce is dead but his ghost lives on and on Never did get any...
Posted by amelia on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 01:52:00 PST


i was sitting in the bar last night talking w/ an old dear friend (you know who you are) and she read me this poem she memorized that had always inspired her.  Oddly i was sure i had heard this p...
Posted by amelia on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 09:12:00 PST

you know what?

as long as i can remember getting dropped off at my parents house (where i currently reside) i cant remember a time where i wasnt mildly intoxicated and started singing "i'll take the high road if you...
Posted by amelia on Sat, 24 Sep 2005 11:23:00 PST