I am a little a this, a little a that! Been there, done that! Seen it, done it! Want it, got to have it! Bad boys are Da Bomb. Tattoos turn on! Love my Music its my Ear Candy, harder the better!! Need to feel it. A Chef in the makin'. I am a Scorpio through and through.
I ride on RESPECT and all that comes with it. I give it completely. You can't give me and my family RESPECT, you better back up and re evaluate who you are and what you represent to yourself....cause it won't be anything involving me!!
So pass the shots and let's just get twisted! Who am I kidding give me the bottle and crank the heavy!!
Free Twisted layouts at twistedsiblings.com
MySpaceTV Videos: KREEP Lead Us Not by KREEP http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids....
Gettin' their KREEP on, check it out!!