music and techno penguins
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: hello
Hair Color:: unknown but blackish
Height:: like 8 6 umm 7 9 then like 305
Favorite Color:: black wait i think the height is wrong
Screen Name:: hmm but i dont like snauges
Favorite Band:: TCOTVM
Favorite Movie:: willy wonka
Favorite Show:: TCOTVM home videos
Your Car:: hotwheels
Your Hometown:: this place over the hills and through the woods thats a forest i live in stl
Your Present Town:: hmm if i told you i would have to bob dole you
Your Crushes First Name:: jack the pumkin kind
Your Grade:: blue
Your Style:: black
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: indeed
Kissed someone in the rain?: well it was hailing and well she now doesent remember anything so
Danced in a public place?: ya and i got kicked out of the mall for it and that really sucked
Smiled for no reason?: not really but weird faces
Laughed so hard you cried?: umm i am not really into that
Peed your pants after age 8?: i peed on a pink shirt
Written a song?: indeed many
Sang to someone for no reason?: of course
Performed on a stage?: yes
Talked to someone you don't know?: wait who are you
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: i dont get it but i do like popsicles
Made out in a theatre?: i MADE a snowman OUT of little supplies
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: o ya not really well i dont no
Been in love?: with a drumseet named kenny
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: hellen keller haha
Tell you, I love you?: bob dole
Kiss you?: umm a gafitail
Hug you?: yes you
Tell you BYE?: tool wait like buy or like bye cause their song has the word buy in it soo umm ya
Write you a note?: mail man
Take your photo?: a camra
Call your cell phone?: probley somebody from this place called i dont no who
Buy you something?: probley a lamp
Go with you to the movies?: zac alex me and the wall
Sing to you?: zac sinfer and it was all like over therrreeee
Write a poem about you?: i dont no
Text message you?: i dont no
Touch you?: jesus (pervert)
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: hahah
Time you cried?: waaa waa
Movie you watched?: corpse bride
Joke you told?: something with a bike
Song you've sang?: hooker with a penis
Time you've looked at the clock?: o myy i cant see i am blind
Drink you've had?: overwise choclate milk
Number you've dialed?: 666
Book you've read?: nine inch nails
Food you've eaten?: some kids
Flavor of gum chewed?: a 3 corse meal roast beef tomato soup and blue berry pie then i got all big and blue it was weird
Shoes you've worn?: ninja stars
Store you've been in?: the ninja store or hot topic
Thing you've said?: i cant reach the pudding
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yes (left) yes(right)
Whistle?: with both hands i cant with one man i am so far behind
Blow a bubble?: well this one time ate some cookies my mommy made
Roll your tounge in a circle?: i dont get it
Cross your eyes?: haha moo
Touch your tounge to your nose?: bla
Dance?: i can mosh well
Gleek?: i guess
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: java java jav
Speak a different language?: kapow
Impersonate someone?: willy wonka
Prank call people?: hi i am tony gardiner please lov me in bed xoxoxo sign my poop
Make a card pyramid?: with tape
Cook anything?: kinda
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: dot
I wish ...: you would eat a bug
So many people don't know that ...: i cant fly
I am ...: flying
My heart is ...: hungry
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love metal rock ragaee jazz funk soul fusion classical punk ska industrial world pretty much every thing except rapi would like to meet people who enjoy music bands telvised connfessions of the virgin mary (my band) rush incubus alkaline trio break the silence muse rise against system of a down nine inch nails breaking benjamin the offspring aperfect circle slipknot unwritten law lamb of god led zeppelin pink floyd judus priest nofx crossfade bobsledbeck atreyu marilyan manson mushroomhead seneris fail tool slipknot cradel of filth shadow fall kill seitch engaded lostprophets the who AFI atreyu nofx there are alot more i just dont feel like typing all of them,TELVISED CONFESSIONS OF THE VIRGIN MARY (my band) rush incubus alkaline trio ,break the silence , muse ,rise against ,system of a down ,nine inch nails, breaking benjamin, the offspring ,a perfect circle ,slipknot ,unwritten law , lamb of god ,led zeppelin ,pink floyd, judus priest, nofx ,crossfade ,bobsled , atreyu, marilyan manson ,mushroomhead ,nirvana, cake, tool ,slipknot ,cradel of filth ,shadow fall, mud vayne, lostprophets, AFI, atreyu ,nofx, korn fantomas mr bungle tomachawk pepping tom primus the cure
both willy wonkas edward sissors hands nightmare before christmas corpse bride mostly tim burtens movies cementary man pulp ficition roccky horror donnie darko chumscubbers boondok saints time bandits Billy Elliot cementary man
the tv i think is brainwash
the only thing i really read is music book or read music nine inch nails book and Long hard road out of hell