[I'm too young..to fall in love.] profile picture

[I'm too young..to fall in love.]

IF you wanna be dumb,you gotta be tough.

About Me

Well basically i'm Mike i enjoy quite a few obscure things and when i do things i do them properly,such as gaming i love to sit on my ass playing my 360 as often as i can be it Guitar Hero 2 or Marble Blast Ultra/Battlefield 2,whatever really. I also enjoy listen to vast amount of music i enjoy all forms of Metal / Hip Hop and some techno etc i don't really mind just not R'nB but i do prefer my Metal over all genres. I'm a big fan also of many things such as Final Fantasy,Japan,Music and photography. Er.. i get drunk quite alot,maybe smoke the ocassional weed nothing to spectacular in my life in Lydd,learning to drive as of June and blast some classics,be a right laugh. ANNNNNNNNNNYWAY bored of all that shit or if your intrested and want to chat then just add me and [email protected] is the msn.

My Interests

Music. Games. Anime. Japan. Football. Wrestling. Money. Immaturity. TV. Reading. Dogs. ..

I'd like to meet:

NIKKI SIXXXXXXXX ZOMG LEGEND OR WHAT?!?! :)... and the rest of the Crue :P. Bam Margera. James and the rest of Metallica. Tom and all of Slayer. Bruce Lee if he wasn't dead of course. Hideo Kojima. The man who made all the Final Fantasy soundtrack Nobuo or something i cannot spell his second name and i can't be bothered to google it. Hefner!!


Far to much to mention but at the moment i like :Children of Bodom. Metallica. Enter Shikari. Afroman. Marilyn Manson. Van Halen. Bowling for Soup. Blink 182/Plus 44/A&A.


Anything by Quentin Tarintino..Or with some actors like Simon Pegg,Nick Frost,Jackie Chan,Bruce Lee,Adam Sandler and lots of others i really can't be bothered i just mainly like Martial Art/MANGA/Comedies/VIOLENT films,so basically everything and yes i love PORRRRRRRRN!


PURE PWNAGE. Dirty Sanchez. Viva La Bam. CKY. Jackass. EastEnders. South Park. Random Documentries. WWE. DragonBall Z. Tenchi. Most Haunted. UFC. Ross Kemp on Gangs. Big Brother.


Pr0n. Any guitar tab books. MANGA stuff.

My Blog

THE LAZY GAMER..(A story of.)

Well as you all know i'm known as a lazy gamer kid who just sits at home playing games all day,well...not this weekend..almost.Went out on Friday night and went to the Dolphin with Benjy,we got wasted...
Posted by [I'm too young..to fall in love.] on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 12:04:00 PST

Gauntlet ownage!

You'd be suprised how much addiction can be created through a white box such as the one below...A bit after we started Gauntlet :That's when i started with Jake the mission to do 100 levels on Gauntle...
Posted by [I'm too young..to fall in love.] on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 02:02:00 PST

Metal :

I've always dreamed of being in a Metal group...drinking booze,taking drugs and that whole life style, does that make me a bad person? METALLICA OWN!!!!! =).
Posted by [I'm too young..to fall in love.] on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:58:00 PST

Life ...

A blog,wow i haven't written one of these for some time now i thought it was time i put one up here. Back in October and most of November i was depressed,just listening to music such as Hawthorne,Matc...
Posted by [I'm too young..to fall in love.] on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 04:02:00 PST