Music. Games. Anime. Japan. Football. Wrestling. Money. Immaturity. TV. Reading. Dogs. ..
NIKKI SIXXXXXXXX ZOMG LEGEND OR WHAT?!?! :)... and the rest of the Crue :P. Bam Margera. James and the rest of Metallica. Tom and all of Slayer. Bruce Lee if he wasn't dead of course. Hideo Kojima. The man who made all the Final Fantasy soundtrack Nobuo or something i cannot spell his second name and i can't be bothered to google it. Hefner!!
Far to much to mention but at the moment i like :Children of Bodom. Metallica. Enter Shikari. Afroman. Marilyn Manson. Van Halen. Bowling for Soup. Blink 182/Plus 44/A&A.
Anything by Quentin Tarintino..Or with some actors like Simon Pegg,Nick Frost,Jackie Chan,Bruce Lee,Adam Sandler and lots of others i really can't be bothered i just mainly like Martial Art/MANGA/Comedies/VIOLENT films,so basically everything and yes i love PORRRRRRRRN!
PURE PWNAGE. Dirty Sanchez. Viva La Bam. CKY. Jackass. EastEnders. South Park. Random Documentries. WWE. DragonBall Z. Tenchi. Most Haunted. UFC. Ross Kemp on Gangs. Big Brother.
Pr0n. Any guitar tab books. MANGA stuff.