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happy & content :-)

About Me

I'm just an ordinary girl from a big city called Dallas, with a big dream of becoming something big. To put smiles in people's faces and help change them for the better. If it is from the inside out or the outside in, I want to the one that can change it. I am in love with many things. To have passion with what I believe in and to have passion with what I love to do, is life full-filling on my part. I also love children and hope to have a house full of them one day. But as of now, I have to build myself up first to able to take care of others. Toodles!

I also love anything and everything about FASHION, HAIR, & BEAUTY. That's my field of choice! Graduated in Cosmeotology and loving it. The best thing Ive ever done for myself.'s my honest living...for myself. Heheh.LOVEMYFLASH CODE /LOVEMYFLASH CODE

My Interests

I love quality time with family and friends. and everything in between :-) MAC cosmetics, hair & makeup. Making people look & feel pretty. Kodak moments and kisses from my hubby.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet myself in 5 years. My goals to achieve til then? Let's see...

In 5 Years:
1. hope to own 2 salons by then (ok, maybe one)
2. have a baby
3. own my first "home"
4. visit the orphanages in vietnam
5. be finacially stable
6. be at 105 pounds (jk)

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I like anything that I can dance to, cry to, and be healed to. But you will never see a hip-hop or rap cd in my car! Lols. I'm more of a traditional Vietnamese music kinda girl. Anything modern and of course...the oldies. Favorite male Vietnamese-American singer has to be Nguyen Thang. And I have too many female favorites. Cat Tien, Anh Minh, Lam Thuy Van, ect. But my favorite has got to be music from Vietnam. Soothing and so romantic. Call me a FOB...I don't care! :-)


I like any long as I am watching it with my husband :-)


Any show that has to do with Hair, Fashion, Home Decor, and Cooking!


Growing up, I loved reading the R.L. Stine books. Still fascinated by forensic science and mysteries!


My parents of course. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for their courageous journey to America. And, my husband. He keeps me on my toes...

My Blog

Life Is Too Short

R.I.P. Phi... You left behind many loved ones here on this earth. So soon, soon early. May your soul rest in peace, and whereever you are...just know you're in a better place. We may not know each ot...
Posted by amanda on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 10:00:00 PST


I am officially a Hairstylist (well, not until i get my license but whatever. hehe)!!! It was my last day today to clock in for my final 1500 hours. It's a great feeling. Its like being pregnant for 9...
Posted by amanda on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 09:38:00 PST

Happy Birthday!

Happy 35th Birthday to my wonderful husband! Wishing you another good year filled with great memories. Thank you for always being there for me. As we grow more into each other, the more I know its tr...
Posted by amanda on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:32:00 PST


Yay! I finally had my graduation ceremony, (which was 3 weeks ago) and it was great! It turned out to be really pretty! Now, it can help motivate my fellow students to work harder on their graduation ...
Posted by amanda on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:38:00 PST

All Smiles

Wow. What a day at school/work today. I was busy! Actually, its a good thing. It makes the day to go by faster. Hehehe... My face had a big smile towards the end of the day. Why? Because I made a girl...
Posted by amanda on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 04:31:00 PST

Almost There!

I have about 300 more hours left of school, and I am super excited! Soon after I reach my 1500 hours, I'm taking my next step to my career. Working. Yes, I do miss WORK. I miss making the money. Heheh...
Posted by amanda on Fri, 04 May 2007 05:11:00 PST

Beautiful Song

go listen to Pham Quynh Anh & Marc Lavoine's duet together. i don't understand a word of frenchh but im in love with it. "J'spere". the beautiful thing is, the person that duet with Marc Lavo...
Posted by amanda on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 07:20:00 PST

New Fun Website

Please visit, and support my friends! It's just like myspace but BETTER. Join and search and have fun! I don't have time now to get deep into the site and tell you all about it, so...
Posted by amanda on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 07:34:00 PST

Deal or No Deal

As some of you might already know, my favorite television game show is....da da da.....DEAL or NO DEAL! So, I thought it long and hard, and I'm going for it. I'm going to audition to play! So, w...
Posted by amanda on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 10:35:00 PST