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Hey! u let me worry about that Come On! Look at ME :) ** Vince Vohn in Made**

About Me

about me hmm ok well first of all im a huge movie critic, im in the process of writing a movie!, im one of the best basketball players u will ever meet! :) lol im not huge on school 95% of the population should do school, i follow einstien he said dont learn anything you can look up , leave your brain open for imagination works for me not others... so dont take that advice, i think that life IS and SHOULD be a struggle with out the struggle you get no were, so we should appricate it instead of complain *Danny D taught me that* one possitive thing about me is that even when my worst enemy is feeling bad i wouldnt let them fall my prist father tony said that theres no such thing as a bad angel the term bad should be translated to Lost * he didnt use those exact words but thats kinda sums it up* alsoo im sure u know im Lebanese and im catholic if there is anything that i hate i would have to say i dont like guys who act like girls ** for example a guy should never say * what about my feelings * F***k THATTTTTTTTT WE DONT HAVE FEELINGS WERE MENN!!!!!!!! WE HUNT AND GATHER AND PROVIDE FOR THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN WE SHOULD BE SO LUCKEY TO BE IN THE CURRENT POSITION WERE IN SO SHUT THE F UP!!!!!!!!!! I CALL OUT ANY DUDE WHO HAS A PROBLEM WITH WHAT I JUST SAID SO U BETTER AGREE WITH ME OR ELSE YOUR A FREAKEN P*****YPosted By:Tweak

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My Interests

basketball at gladstone park, football on TV go patritos!, mob movies, writing movies, clubing, the beach, throwing partys , vegas!, hitting the gym, helping out my boy danny with, i love attending church even though i dont do it to often :( , i like doing rated pg pranks that is why my name is basa, oh and my perfect vacation would have to be sitting in a hotel room with a balcony watching people walk by so i can throw ice and tolet paper at them and hear them yell ** HEY WHO DID THAT** LOL

I'd like to meet:

who do i wanna meet??? why not everybody??? theres just too many of u :)

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punk rock, 80s music, rap , alterative************Ok Ok Ok this video down here shows how girls treat me LoL * and i still dont feel shiiittttttt*lily allen - smile.

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Donnie brasco, goodfellas, casino , swingers , made , comming to america, scareface , enemy of the state, old school, petes dragon , jackass the movie 1 and 2 clirks 1 and 2, Pirates of the caribean 1 and 2, count of monte cristo, 2 for the money, 50 first dates kinda got to me and ummm any other movie with me in it ;)






My Mom, Jesus, and allllll the saints