Hey there,
I'm David.
Or Dave if you prefer.
I don't really care
So, this is my space.
and here are a few things you should know about me:
AIM = MRxPifko
**I am spontaneous.
You never know what I'm going to do.
**I can't say good bye.
Not face-to-face at least.
Idk why, I just can't
**I define myself by my music.
It's pretty much the #1 thing I do.
(yes, I do that more than sleep)
**My brain is fucked up...
And I know it, so it's cool.
I hope you don't mind
**I'm a Dork.
I play video games, watch Anime, and read Manga, comic books, all the fun stuff.
**I read a lot.
And I'm proud of that.
It's becoming kind of an addiction....
**60mph = 1mpm
If heat rises, then why is it colder at the top of a mountain?
These are things I thought about as a child.
**I like to take pictures.
They help me keep my memories
**I have a terrible memory
Unless it's about something that's not important
**I wish I was more artistic
**I love Candy
**I have an awesome PC
**My dog is cuter than yours
**I Can't spell very well, but I'm trying to do better.
**I am a senior at Chippewa Valley High.
I'm going to Eastern Michigan in the Fall
**I live in Clinton Twp.
(A.K.A. the most boring place on earth)
**I love to camp, fish, hunt, all that wilderness stuff!
**I'm a pretty good archer.
I'm extremely indecisive, some times.
Other times I won't give two fucks and just do something.
**Normal People bore me
**I like to solve everybody's problems.
**When I get older, I either want to be a high school teacher, or work with computers.
**I Don't know if I'm religious or not.
**I like to think I'm creative.
**I also like to think I'm smart.
I just don't apply myself to school.
It's unfortunate.
**I'm a happy person.
**I like to be silly.
**I'm not materialistic, but that doesn't mean I don't like stuff.
**I love my friends.
I couldn't even tell you.
**I can't decide if pirates are better than ninjas.
**I work at Dairy queen.
Which is to say,
I get paid to eat free ice cream.
And by paid,
I mean my wage amounts to spare change.
**I also work at AMC
**Batman Superman
I will fight you over it.
I'm not joking.