Best Racing to date |
So i was on my way home from hanging out at scotts and amanda's birthday dinner. When i raced ben on the way home. That was a tie we went two rounds so one to one. Anyways i was driving down portland ... Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:56:00 PST |
1641 |
So just got all the parts that i have been gathering for the past 6 months or so. Going to build my 1641cc motor with some other odds and ends, like 041 heads, forged rocker arms, lightened and balanc... Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:34:00 PST |
Why does it hurt? |
So why does it hurt so bad when the one you love, the one you want to spend the rest of you life with, the one who i beleive cares more for me, just wants to end it. so you say that its been going dow... Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:00:00 PST |
Crazy |
So this is pretty crazy in my opinion, this gental men emailed me wanting to know about my subaru crash. He said that he saw it at a junk yard. He was there getting parts for his. so he took some pict... Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 11:20:00 PST |
Calvin you are my little brother, and always will be. We sent you to a better place. I wanted to hold on to you forever today, but it wasn't fair to you, you were in pain but still full of love. ... Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:06:00 PST |
Volkswagen Ten Commandments! |
Thou shall gather at Volkswagen shows and events, and join with clubs and travel in with the packs.Thou shall speak of Volkswagen several times daily and of a positive manner.Thou shall enjoy the dail... Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 03:35:00 PST |
100% |
Well went to the doctors to get my arm checked out. good news. im 100% back to normal. well as normal as normal gets. so now im back in the sattel theres no looking back now. on my steel horse i ride. Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Tue, 23 May 2006 09:04:00 PST |
Temple of Doom |
You know how people say that your body is a temple. Well if my body's a temple then mine the Temple of Doom. Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 02:22:00 PST |
My Volkswagen |
Here’s what i spend my time on these days. it’s almost done well not really done it will never be done, but its almost drivable. .Who knows maybe it will help me get a girl friend.http://w... Posted by 91 MKII GTI on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 12:35:00 PST |