I♥Baby Brooklyn profile picture

I♥Baby Brooklyn

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey everyone! As u all know my name is Patty. I've been married to Giovanni for 4 yrs. going on 5 on July 3rd. We are lovers and best friends. i love him to death. We recently moved down from Houston that we miss so much! But once Gio finishes school we will be going back to H-town cause we want to raise our girls there. We have to beautiful girls. Aolani Danasia is 5 yrs. old.....which is loving and very sensitive and will be the bookworm of the family. Gianni Jolie is 3 yrs.old and she has to have her way all the time but she is very outgoing. We are currently awaiting the arrival of our 3rd little princess, that we have chosen to be named Brooklyn Carter. She will be here by Aug. 14th. and we can't wait for her. I almost lost her at 3 1/2 mths. So we are so happy she is strong and healthy. She will be the last edition to our little Ceballos family. but that's all for now...ask away!!! Love, Patty !!!!

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