Well lets see.......My boyfriend, Music,My frieds,damn just evrything i like I dunno chill with me for an hour or more and you will se I am fun to be around...or you will learn to love me ;) Is That Yo Chick
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I'd like to meet:
Famous people I guess and just anyone and everyone!!!
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Alexandria Dawn Sheppard
Eye Color: Green, Blue, gray depends but mostly Green
Hair Color: brownish red
Height: 5'2
Shoe Size: 7 1/2
Ring Size: mmmm. dunno
Heritage: White
Graduating Year: 08 baby
Birthdate: 2-14-90
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Concert: dunno
Best Friend: Kattie
Crush: Emilio
Pet: Shadow
Sport: foot ball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: going to next summer
Bungee Jumped: nope
Gone out of the Country: yeah
Beaten Someone Up: yep
Gotten Beat Up: oh yeah
Killed an Animal: not on purpose
Swam in the Ocean: yes
Broke the Law: j- walking
Smoked: yes
Chewed Tobacco: eww...no
Drank: yep
Been Kissed: yeah
Been In Love: yeah and it sucks
Dumped Someone: yeah
Been Dumped: yeah
Broken Someone's heart: i dunno maybe
Had Your Heart Broken: yeah :'(
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: yep
Broken A Bone: no
Had Surgery: oral
Had an X-ray or MRI: yep
Failed a Class: yes
Color: blue
Food: Italin
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Snack: cookies
Cereal: Cinimon Toast Crunch
Ice Cream: cookie dough
Candy: Jolly Ranchers
Restaurant: Olive Gardin
Fast Food Place: Rallys
Store: Victoria Screat
Animal: Dog
Quote: Do or Die
Sport To Play: Tennis
Sport To Watch: Foot Ball
Movie: Cry Baby
TV Show: dunno
Type Of Music: Hip-hop, Rap, RnB
Band: 112
Singer: Monica
Song: Turn da lights off
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: dunno
McDonalds or Burger King: none
Love or Money: both
Music or TV: Music
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: dad
Truck or Car: car
Ocean or Lake: Ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: hotmail
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: city
Rain or Sunshine: both
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: smile
Personality or Looks: personality
Hair Color: whatever god gave you
Eye Color: whatever god gave you
Short or Tall: taller than me
Romanic or Spontaneous: romanic
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: relationship
Feeling: w/e
Listening To: a fan
Wanna: go out
Doing Besides Typing: wating on the phone to ring
Thinking About: him
Wearing: clothes
In Love: him
Single: yeah
Best Friends: jared
...::The Future::...
Career: Physical Therapy
Marriage: hopefully
Kids: someday
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuiz
CRY BABY, Dirty Dancing, Dirty Dancing Havan Nights, Scarface
MTV2 with music videos and of course espn (all)
God and my older sister and brother
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