«(...)beguilingly simple and organic (...) anotherwordly abstract Americana.» Down Beat«This will be good for that tenuous New Year’s morning. A Norwegian improv trio armed with a banjo, a double bass, a pedal steel, a bizarre tabla machine, shruti boxes and a fondness for freeing folk from its folk songs—from Santa Fe to Bombay. (...) If the future is too much to bear come New Year’s Day, lodge yourself in the present with a 50-minute stay in Huntsville.» read more here Boston Weekly - December, 2006
- Huntsville is the all-Norwegian trio of Ivar Grydeland, Tonny Kluften and Ingar Zach.(...) The group's multi-instrumentalism means that this is no conventional guitar-bass-drums trio. (...) What is remarkable, though, is how much further Huntsville have been able to develop their striking and original soundworld - a genuinely musical use of unexpected sounds and textures, allied with echoes of traditional genres in a radical new conceptual language. Those who associate these players with Improv are in for a pleasant surprise. Andy Hamilton, March 2006.«"For the Middle Class" is an album that immediately appeals and challenges the listener with new revelations on repeated listenings. In their search to find unexplored territories they haven’t just made a record for the middle class, but for everybody.» Dagsavisen«The music is similar to the film music of the Boxhead ensemble, Ornette Colemans polyrhytmical works, Canadian post-rock and early Supersilent - but most of all it's strikingly original and different» Groove«From their own world and with their own sound they embrace Supersilent, Bohren Und Der Club Of Gore, Beirut, Tape, Tim Hecker, In The Country and John Cage» De Subjektivisten«So, by all means, give this a chance, For the Middle Class is undoubtably one of the finest albums of 2006» HISSIG«(…) a feast of sound with a steady beat and soft harmonies. (..) a kind of electronica- country (…). The interaction of many, often unorthodoxily played instruments, in addition to some electronical boxes, varies in density, and gives therefore the necassary dynamic to a very original and attractive interplay.» DagbladetBuy Huntsville music here: Rune Grammofon Or visit one of these shops.
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