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Free Myspace GraphicsEver since the 1870s Chicago has had complex organized crime syndicates. In the 1870s till the 1920s mobsters would deal in illegal gambling groups or in prostitution mainly. In the year 1919 congress passed the 18th amendment to outlaw the manufacturing, sale, possession, and consumption of alcohol that was to take effect in 1920. Once 1920 came around, all alcohol was banned as promised. The banning of alcohol was brought about to halt many illegal and immoral activities that people tended to engage in while under the influence. Our government thought they were doing society good, but instead a horrid opposite effect occurred that ended up shaking the whole nation, and it all started right here in Chicago and the Chicago land suburbs.If you watch the movie Gangs of New York you will see that gangs were in other cities besides Chicago for many years and many were organized. Like Chicago, New York had a lot of underground gambling rings and prostitution rings as the movie Gangs of New York portrays. The movie is based on historical documents and real gangs. Chicago had very similar gang structures in the later 19th century and very early 20th century. Both cities had massive amounts of immigrants of Italian and Irish decent that organized to get by and deal with their poverty. In the year 1920, Chicago was the first city to create a high powered organized crime syndicate that other cities would later mock.The ban of alcohol was devastating on people in the United States. Alcohol has been a long time consumed and cherished tradition for many years all over the world by many different cultures. Now the government was saying no more drinking and people were not happy at all. Honest and law-abiding people were upset and found themselves breaking the law by entering speakeasies and consuming alcohol. Organized crime saw massive profits from this amendment because now they could sell to anyone, as opposed to before they could only sell prostitutes and gambling to those with special interests. Many more people love booze then they do hookers or gambling. An old Italian syndicate that originated in Italy long before 1920 got together here in Chicago and quickly put together a diverse plan to get the streets flooded with booze and make massive profits from it. The very quickly put together a complex crime family with rules, structure, and laws all based upon the old syndicate from Italy. Soon Chicago was booming with organized crime and it spread very fast to mainly east coast cities suck as New York or Jersey City or Boston. The family was very large and a complex Mafiosis was set up here in Chicago.Bloody gang wars soon erupted through the streets of Chicago in the 1920s and early 30s during prohibition. Lots of money and fast money was being made and still needed to be made and it caused these mafia groups to shoot it out in the streets. Turf became very important for these Chicago gangsters because once you had the turf, the more money and power you had.By 1933 congress realized they made a big mistake by passing the 18th Amendment. People were behaving much worse since the banning of liquor and brutal gang wars waged on the streets that cost many lives. Public officials soon fell into corruption as they saw how much money was to be made from this law. The booze that was being sold was risky to human health and many people got sick. Congress immediately passed the 21st Amendment that allowed the sale, consumption, manufacturing, and possession of alcohol. One main goal of passing this Amendment was to take away profits of organized crime; however, the foundation had already been laid out for the mafiosis to continue to function and grow. The mafias could find other ways of making money that was considered legal and illegal. The Italian Mafiosis was used as a model for later gangs to take after.In the 1950s, Chicago experienced a massive migration of African Americans that were moving from the southern states to residences in Chicago mainly to look for work. Back in the 1950s Chicago had many blue collar jobs to offer that paid a decent amount of money for the times. During the 1950s, blacks that came to Chicago lived in white neighborhoods. Because of this, young blacks experienced racist attacks by whites; many times it was a constant battle just to walk across town. In the mean time on the northwest side of Chicago, mainly in Lincoln Park and Humboldt Park, Puerto Rican immigration began to flood in, in the year 1952. Massive amounts of Puerto Ricans that moved into Chicago in the mid 1940s were now moving north to Lincoln Park and Humboldt Park. The north and west sides were also mainly populated by whites and young Latino youths had to battle racist whites. Now let us not make the white people out to be complete monsters, there was some reverse discrimination too, young white youths would be messed with by large groups of Latino or Black youths.The massive gangbanging started in 1952 in Chicago. This was a year of massive migration into the city which led to the need to defend one’s neighborhood against trespassers. By 1952 Chicago was flooded with small time clubs that got together and broke some heads. Some of our present gangs were founded in the year 1952 such as the Simon City Royals, C-Notes, and Spanish Cobras. Others were clubs that already existed that began to gangbang in 1952 like the Gaylords that were founded in the mid-late 40s. In the 1950s the gangs were not heavily organized and there were thousands of small clubs everywhere. They were not money making giants back then, instead they simply fought with their fists and various bludgeoning objects. The first gangs to truly organize on the streets and the correctional facility was the Vice Lords. The Vice Lords formed and organized in the correctional facilities in 1957 and on the streets in 1958. The Vice Lords developed a systematic way of doing thing and absolved several west side street gangs through brute force; however, they were not a corporate style money making machine because they were still poor as ever and made money off of petty theft. As the early 1960s came around, more gangs were forming as more migration continued. Mexican migration began in the late 1950s in the Pilsen neighborhood that started such gangs as the Latin Counts (Known then as Sons of Mexico City) and Ambrose (also under another name but then). By the early 1960s there was a massive variety of small time petty gangs that were just itching to escape from their poverty stricken situations. Massive poverty was mainly found among black and Latino gangs.By the 1965 and 1966 some gangs began to organize into an early mafiosis. These gangs were the Latin Kings, Black Disciple alliance, and the Black P Stone alliance. The Disciple alliance and Black P Stone alliance absolved several street gangs then later determined ways to extract money through charity. Soon other gangs like the Latin Kings caught on and discovered that the worse they behaved, the more government and others felt sorry for them and handed them money. By 1967 the Gangster nation was formed by Larry Hoover which was an alliance that opposed the Disciples and the Stones. Soon Hoover was collecting checks from the government. Jeff Fort and the Black Stones were collecting several thousands of dollars from the government. Latin Kings, Black Disciple alliance Conservative Vice Lord incorporated, Spanish Cobras, Simon City Royals, and to a similar extent the Gaylords were receiving charity from all angles mostly the federal government. The Gaylords opened up community clean up programs that helped them to carry on. One of The main things that was helping the Gaylords stay successful was that several members had become Chicago Police officers as early as the 1950s.Federal monies were pouring into these Chicago gangs because they knew how to organize based upon a demand. The late 60s were a time when government wanted to look good by helping the disadvantaged minorities in the ghettos. By the late 60s “white flight” had taken its toll and the neighborhoods that minorities had first moved into in the 50s were now all black or Latino. Because the blacks and Latinos were at a disadvantage financially and socially, the neighborhoods were not taken care of after the whites left. The city seemed to forget about these neighborhoods completely. Many blacks were sent to live in public housing facilities by the late 60s and sooner that were not taken care of. When the whites occupied them the buildings were attended to, but now without maintenance, the buildings became decrepit and deteriorating. This was more motivation to join a gang that was collecting from the government. Even though the government was giving the gangs these monies, it was not nearly enough to fight poverty in the neighborhood. When you take $25,000 and divide it among 2-3,000 gang members, it is not a lot of money. The gangs then had to create a way to take that government money and flip it into more money.Top ranking gang leaders were taken to prison in the early 70s for mismanaging government funding within the BPSN. CVL INC was investigated for mismanaging funds as well, and the government claimed that CVL INC was mismanaging the monies even though no one was arrested and convicted of this offense from the CVL. By 1971 federal monies were cut off to the Chicago gangs, but it was too late, the foundation was already laid out. Those federal monies were still in the gang banger’s pockets, the money was turned into drugs and guns, mainly. Those drugs and guns were then sold to buy bigger quantity and then sold etc… making bigger and bigger profits. The mafiosis was now created within the street gangs in the early 70s. The mafiosis was even able to function in prison now. Before 1972 when a gang banger got locked up he was basically out of the gang until he was released but by 1972 the gangs infiltrated the prisons and became a complex mafia behind jail bars, just like the old Italian mafias. Within the prison systems, gang leaders could get together and discuss business deals and control gang activities on the streets. This was the beginning of the new mafiosis on the streets that was born in the 1970s.As the later 1970s came around, coalitions were formed on the streets and in prison in order to protect gang interests. The Folk and People coalitions were created that somewhat made Chicago gangs into two gangs. The Folk and People was created to protect members of gangs in prison, and then it was spread to the streets to protect money making interests. In the Italian mafia, coalitions are often built between families to ease tensions in prison and on the streets; Folks and Peoples took after this concept.Even though this new mafiosis was developing within the gangs, on the streets you would still see big massive brawls because the main goal of gangbanging was neighborhood protection. There was also a lot of friendship and loyalty between members of each gang. Back in the 70s and before bangers would fight till their knuckles bled for the love of the their friends on the block or sometimes kill if needed, but usually fighting hard was all that was needed to prove a point. The mafiosis element was in the larger gangs and used to generate enough monies to keep gang members paid a little bit, and provide them with guns if needed, but for the most part, bangers used their fists and mainly cared about the block instead of the money. The fighting also helped pave the way for drug profit, if one gang would beat down another gang, the territory would be stripped; therefore, the gang that won the fight would control the block and be able to do business in that area.By the mid 1980s, the gangs in Chicago were making massive profits from drug sales, and fast money was adored much more. Massive gang fights were looked upon as time consuming methods of gaining turf, the newer method was to shoot up rival gang members in order to gain territory quicker. Folk and People was also needed to be more quickly identified in order to make business smoother so by 1983 or 1984 the six and five point start appeared on the streets, also hats began to be busted to the left or right. This obvious identification of Folk or People made it easier to identify friend and enemy.By the late 1980s gangs were flooding very heavily into Chicago land suburbs. Before the late 80s the gangs were in some suburbs such as: Cicero, Aurora, Joliet, and Waukegan. By the early 80s they had spread their influence all throughout many Cook county suburbs. By the late 80s the gangs had reached other Chicago land counties such as Dupage or Will county. The Mafiosis was spreading into the burbs and even other states. In the suburbs, at first, the gangs were mocking the old style of gangbanging through massive group fights but by the early 90s they learned the way of the gun.Crack sales were a new massive epidemic by 1987, as money was being able to be made a lot faster. Such a high demand for the drug and Cocaine in general caused increased violence as gangs fought to control the drug trade in certain neighborhoods. The higher ranking gang members were a part of the mafiosis that was behind the neighborhood scene within the gang that had the young shorties shoot at rivals or fight with fists for that drug spot. The late 80s was then full of shootings and massive brawls but the reason for fighting was beginning to change from the need to protect the block to the need to protect a drug spot.By the early 1990s, the way of the gun was much more popular for gangbanging instead of massive brawls. Shooting began to outweigh brawling as the 90s progressed. The need to maximize profit also caused massive interalliance wars which broke down the Folk and People nations severely. As the 1990s progressed further there was even less brawls and more shooting, as gangs felt a need to maximize profit in a hurry. The leaders that were instructing the younger members were a part of the old school ways but did not teach the old school ways to the younger bangers. This was the invention of a new form of mafia that dealt with problems quick, quick execution and massive and sophisticated business deals.A direct result of the Chicago gang mafiosis was a spreading of the influence to other cities. After the BPSN, BGDN, BDN, LKN, VLN and others were gaining success and organizing, gangs in other cities began to follow suit; however, their structure was not as complex as Chicago gang structure. Their was also an element of art within the Chicago gangs such as: massive and complex tags and murals, colors, gang cards, symbols, sayings, cultures, hair styles, clothing styles, gang sweaters etc… these were not used in other cities. Chicago has a lot of art and culture to it and the gangs have adapted to it, Chicago also has a long line of mafiosis that has been mocked by the street gangs in Chicago then eventually, other cities. During the early to mid 1980s Crips united with the Folk nation and the Bloods united with the People nation as a result, Bloods came to Chicago under the five while Crips arrived under Folks. BGDs and Black P Stones arrived in Florida and California and united under Blood and Crip. The Blood Stone Villains and the Black P Stones are very popular in these states to this day. The BGDs (now GDs) are popular all over the country. Latin Kings, Vice Lords, GDs, BPS, has spread into almost every state in the U.S. and into other countries. There have been reports of GDs and VLs in Canada and London! There are Latin Kings in Puerto Rico and Mexico. These are the signs of the new black and Latin Mafia. Crips suffered in Chicago when they arrived and faded within years. The Bloods were not successful either accept for an Asian group called the “Outlaw Bloods” (we are currently seeking history, pictures, and info on the OLB hit us up if you know at [email protected]). The Folk and People alliances are very successful all over the U.S. and all 50 states have gangs that are within the Folk or People nations. This has become a nationwide Mafiosis.Several millions of dollars have been made within the worst projects and ghettos in the city of Chicago from gang organization. When the Robert Taylor buildings were still standing, the Gangsters Disciples generated over a million dollars a year in those buildings alone from drug sales! The gangs in Chicago have learned how to organize within impoverished neighborhoods to make money. The top ranking leaders of the gangs are usually older men and women that are usually in their mid 20s and older. The older members are more experienced within the gang and are given rank and respect because they know how to do business. In some gangs young members are used as pawns, or not even used at all by the gang. In the past years younger members were expected to fight every day and gain rep by fighting hard and gangbanging everyday. Many gang members in recent years can be a part of the gang without proving they are tuff or “down,” Some younger members will try to show they are “down” by randomly shooting someone which actually hurts the gang’s reputation. The Chicago gangs have struggled to take after the Italian mobs of the past and present, but it is not easy when several members want to do their own thing or try to prove they are crazy by killing innocent people or killing a rival gang member outside of orders. Many of the high ranking members that run the mafiosis underneath the gang are experienced bangers that had to fight with their fists in their younger years and grew into older years with some business sense.Many members of African American street gangs have assimilated into the “Black Mafia” which is comprised of gang members from both Folk and People gangs; this shows incredible organized gang structure. Also many members of street gangs have been found within the Chicago Police department. The gangs in Chicago have been able to infiltrate the Police force. Recently their was a major drug bust that involved several Mickey Cobra gang members and one of those involved was a Chicago Police officer. This is not the first time this type of thing has happened, there have been incidents of GD, BD, Vice Lord, BPS, and Black Soul gang members that have infiltrated the CPD. This is all in more recent years, in the past white gangs such as Gaylords and Simon City Royals had infiltrated the CPD as far back as the early 1950s. There have been scandals of Gangster Disciples gang members infiltrating the military and stealing weapons. Gangs have become rampant in the military, in Iraq there have been gang graffiti on building and tanks of Chicago gangs. The mafiosis of Chicago gangs has become so complex that it has spread world wide.The Folk and People nations were founded in the year 1978 within the Joliet correctional facility in Joliet, Illinois. The forming of the Folk and People nation was destined to happen because there were already alliances going on in the streets prior to1978. There were alliances within African American gangs like the Black P Stone alliance, and the Black Gangster Disciple alliance. Or alliances between Vice Lords and Black P Stones and Mickey Cobras. White gangs had alliances such as the White Power Organization (WPO) or the United Fighting Organization (UFO), or the alliance between Simon City Royals and Insane Popes. Latino gangs had the United Latino Organization (ULO) or the Familia Disciple nation (FLDN), or the alliance between Latin Kings Spanish Lords, Insane Unknowns, and Warlords known as “Unknown Players Kings(UPK). These alliances were foreshadowing (definition of foreshadowing=hinting, or preparing) of what was to come. There were many small alliances between two gangs or more that existed that were often hard to control because one gang would had another gang that his allied gang would get along with (example=if you had a friend that were friends with but you couldn’t stand his friend). Many prominent, high-ranking gang members were locked up in Joliet correctional so this made them able to congregate more. Larry Hoover was one of the main visionaries behind the creation of the Folk and People nations. Larry Hoover founded the Folk nation alliance and in an indirect way he co-founded the People nation (I’ll explain this in a little bit). Starting in the early 1970s the larger gangs began to set up major drug trafficking enterprises. They received the money to begin these enterprises from government grants given to them in the late 1960s. In the early 70s as top ranking gang leaders were going to prison, the government immediately cut off anti-poverty funding to these organizations because of suspicion that the gangs would continue to use this money for illegal activities. Although thousands of dollars were poured in to illegal activities, thousands of other dollars were poured in to some legitimate institutions that actually bettered the communities they lived in; a prime example was the workings of CVL INC (see history of Conservative Vice Lords on this site for more information about CVL INC).The Government still completely halted all funding to the gangs which left the gangs back into a state of poverty by 1971. The larger gangs still had some money left over and they decided to flip that money in to a larger sum of money by doing things that they only knew how and only had access to, and that was illegal activities. The thing is, is it was not easy to make money in many of these poverty stricken neighborhoods. Problems of finding proper employment, lacking job training, poor education, or racism would make it difficult for hoods to put together money; however, when engaging in illegal activities they were able to obtain large sums of money by opening large drug cartels within ghettos, slums, projects, and rough blue collar neighborhoods. Engaging in the distribution of illegal drugs was a way for the gangs to tap in to main stream America, what I mean by this is that many people that do not live in the ghetto wanted and still want drugs, and having a cut in this business will bring a lot of money to the hood; however, not all their business was done outside the hood, actually much of it was done and still done within the hood. Many individuals in the ghetto would become addicted to drugs and would soon rob, steal, or kill to get another fix.The need for making money by creating large drug cartels was not the only thing that led to the creation of the Folk and People nations. The smaller gangs and the vast majority of the members of larger gangs were still having the problem with trying to protect their neighborhoods from rival gangs. Alliances were made in order for the gangs to fight side by side against rivals that both gangs hated. Some gangs were too small to handle larger gangs, or some other gangs did not have as many good fighters as a rival gang, so they would turn to other larger of tougher gangs to help them fight to even up numbers in a fight or to have more muscle. (note: most of gangbanging that was done in the 70s was done with fists, bats, bricks, bottles, crowbars, etc?, many gangs couldn’t even afford guns at this time, plus pride was a bigger issue in these days, it was more acceptable to beat some one’s ass then to kill them).Order on the streets was needed immediately to organize the gang wars to allow easier drug traffic and to make it easier to identify enemies from friends, and to also prevent wild random instigations of gang wars. An order was needed to prevent friendly gangs to just up and start killing each other off without good reason. There were also many arguments about drug taxation, example-if one nation wanted to move drugs in through a neighborhood run by a friendly gang, the friendly gang could suddenly come up with outrageous and disagreeable taxation rules that could cause a gang war. These issues were considered very carefully at a meeting in Joliet Correctional facility in 1978. Leaders of the Black Gangster Disciples sat down with ELRUKNS to work out a deal to organize the gang wars. Now Hoover created the Folk nation but he knew that if only the Folk nation existed with no rival alliance it would cause problems. Let us for a minute imagine if only the Folk nation existed without People nation or vice versa. The problems that would exist would be: 1. Folks would have to battle with all the renegades who would rise up and destroy the Folk nation because at the time it was known that not many gangs were going to be Folk compared to how many gangs there were on the streets. 2. Another possibility which is more probable, would be that the Folks would destroy all the renegades then Folk would be too powerful and begin fighting each other because there would be no more enemies to deal with and toes would be stepped on. Basically it is almost impossible for one nation to control 100% of the drug trade in Chicago, so the rest of it may as well go to the rival alliance instead all that money going to different renegades. The neighborhoods that many of the renegades were running was rich in money to be made from drug trade, and that renegade gang would not allow some nation such as Folk or People to come in there and get a piece, so if one of the alliances took that renegade gang under their wing, then they would have a piece of that gang’s hood with proper business deals. So Hoover sat down with leaders of rival gangs to create Folk and People and set rules for both nations to follow, so that is how Hoover can indirectly help co-found the People nation; nevertheless him and his nation deeply hate the People nation, but this way they can see who they all are by seeing the five point star, and the five in the sky.Now this wasn’t all done for drug reasons at all, there were family reasons or neighborhood protection reasons. From the beginning back in the 60s and 50s gangs were created to protect families, and if their cousins or brothers or sisters were in another gang, then they wanted to be allies with that other gang; therefore, when Folk and People was created they wanted to join the same alliance together so they did not have to fight one another or allow some other gang to destroy there cousin’s gang. Neighborhood protection was a major issue in the 70s, it was a constant every day struggle to fight your way in and out of a neighborhood. Fights were often brutal that consisted of super hyped up fist fight brawls in the streets, and these fights became difficult to deal with for some gangs because they were small in number or many of their members were weak or young, so they needed allies to help them.In 1978 the Folk and People nations were created to organize the gang wars, control the drug trade, organize neighborhood battles, and keep some family ties in tact. Larry Hoover created the Folk Nation and had his Black Gangsters Disciples join Folk. Since the Black Disciples were once a part of the BGDN and their founder was David Barksdale who was the King of BGDN from 1969 until his death in 1974. The Black Disciple gang did not split from the BGDN until Barksdale's death; they still shared most of the BGD lit. The rivalry between the BDs and the Black P Stones was so great that they felt obligated to join Folks even though it was rumored that Jerome Freeman, the leader of the BDs at the time did not like Hoover. The Folk nation consisted of several gangs in the late 70s: One was the BGDs, and the BDs. A third gang was the Black Gangsters that formed that same year of 1978 by George “Boony Black” Davis. Just like the Black Disciples (BDs) the Black Gangsters were a break away from the BGDN who still kept most of the BGD lit; therefore, they were obligated to join Folks as well. The Satan Disciples were a part of the Disciple family with the BDs and BGDs; mainly they were heavily tied to the BDs because in 1964 David Barksdale helped the Satan Disciples to form. The Satan Disciples shared a great deal of BGD lit; therefore, they also joined the Folk nation. The Latin Disciples (AKA Maniac Latin Disciples) were formerly known as the Latin Scorpions of Humboldt Park. While in prison the Latin Scorpions befriended the BGDs and decided to be family with Hoover and honor the BGDN, they then adopted the last name Disciple and adopted some of BGD lit. This made it possible for the Latin Disciples to join the Folk nation as well in 1978. The Latin Disciples were a part of the ULO (United Latino Organization); therefore, they were tied in with the Spanish Cobras, Imperial Gangsters, and Latin Eagles who were all members of the ULO. Because the LDs joined Folks this meant that the rest of ULO had to follow suit and join Folks too; therefore, Spanish Cobras, Imperial Gangsters, and Latin eagles all joined Folks in 1978.Orchestra Albany establishes very heavy ties to the Spanish Cobras and any of Cobra’s friends too. OA hung out and banged with the ULO all the time so when ULO joined Folks it was demanded that the OA be allowed in to Folk as well. The Two Sixs established heavy relations to the BGDs and the SDs by the 1970s, this is how Two Sixs became known as Two Six Disciples in the past and presently known as Gangster Two Six. The Two Sixs were also a part of the Familia Disciple Nation that consisted of the ULO gangs combined with SDs and Two Six. So this all led to Two Sixs entering the Folk Nation because of their ties to the Disciple gangs in 1978. Prior to 1978 a BGD member who later became a Black Disciple named Michael Motten (AKA Motto) befriended the Simon City Royals, and since Motto was an original BGD, he was able to tie the Royals to the BGDs and BDs. In 1976 this relationship helped make an alliance between the Folk nation and the Simon City Royals, and then the Royals joined the Folk nation 1978. There is other speculation that there were major business reasons for the Royals joining Folks such as a deal with a gun trade or protection in prison, but one thing that is for sure is the relationship between Motto and the Royals helped a lot. The Insane Popes (North side) gang then joined Folks. They joined Folks because they were still a part of the Simon City Royals; they were Royal Popes back then. Ambrose and the TwoTwo Boys joined folks in 1978 because they had decided to take sides with the Satan Disciples and oppose Latin Kings. Pilsen gangs such as Two Six, Satan Disciples, Ambrose, and Two Two Boys joined Folks during a meeting that took place in Douglas Park.The People nation was also created in 1978 on the same day. The ELRUKNS (now known as Black P Stones) created the People nation. Their creator was Jeff Fort who was leader of the ELRUKNS. Jeff Fort founded it with the council of the Latin Kings and the Vice Lord nations. ELRUKNS deeply hated the African American gangs that joined Folks before they were Folks, so that was why they created the People nation. The Vice Lords also had many beefs with gangs that had joined Folks plus worked with many leaders of Black P Stones in the late 1960s with neighborhood cleanup programs. The Latin Kings were bitter enemies with Simon City Royals, SDs, ULO, and anything else that was going to merge with Folks. The Mickey Cobras joined People because they were a part of the Black P Stones in1978. The Spanish Lords were very good allies with the Latin Kings and they were first cousins gangs to each other. When the Latin Kings joined People, the Spanish Lords did as well in1978. The Insane Unknowns joined People in 1978 because of their bitter wars with the Royals over the death of the IUK leader Mr. Kapone the Insane Unknowns were also at extreme odds with the Spanish Cobras, so this meant that the IUKs stopped their war with the Latin Kings and joined the People nation with the Kings. The Warlords joined the People alliance because they were a part of the U.P.K with the Latin Kings, Spanish Lords, and Insane Unknowns. The PR Stones (Puerto Rican Stones) joined the People nation in 1978 for the obvious reason that they were a part of the ELRUKN/Stone family. They PR Stones had help being founded in the 1960s by Black P Stones and became one of the 7 branches within the BPSN; therefore, they followed suit and joined People. The Latin Counts were a major force in Pilsen to be Reckoned with ever since their founding years in the late 50s. The Counts were seen as a valuable commodity to the People nation, plus the Latin Counts had established ties to the ELRUKNS; therefore, the Latin Counts joined People in 1978 and mostly squashed their war with the Latin Kings. The Bishops joined People because they were still a Latin Count faction back then and they were a part of the BCN (Bishop Count nation).The gangs that did not join People or Folks in the late 70s basically went through hell on the streets; they were surrounded on all sides by gangs that would team up to destroy them. Many Gaylords, for example, talk about banging in the late 70s and how they would have to fight four or five gangs at once, when they were used to fighting one or two at a time. Since Folk and People nation gangs consisted of mostly the biggest gangs in the city, gangs that were not Folk or People were being crushed by both sides in certain neighborhoods.1980sIn the exact year of 1980 the Folk and People nations wanted to expand their reach out to other nations that were originally not asked to join or declined to join in1978. Many gangs felt the pressure to join either one side or the other because they did not want to be crushed by the powerful Folk or People nations. The Gaylords were a very powerful white gang but because of this they became primary targets on the streets by the Folk nation because of their large numbers. In the year 1980 the Latin Kings approached the Gaylords and offered them a spot in the People nation because the Kings saw how GLs were being swarmed by Folks. Very reluctantly the Gaylords joined the People nation along with the Insane Deuces on the same day. Many Gaylord factions were outraged by the decision and did not want to be People. Many GL sets didn’t even want to claim People, but the fact was that their nation was now People. The year 1980 was a major year of Folk and People recruitment. The Folk nation took in the following gangs in 1980 that still exist today: Brazers, Ashland Vikings, Latin Jivers, King Cobras, Latin Stylers, Milwaukee Kings, Sin City Boys, and Spanish Gangster Disciples who were born in to the Folk nation and may have been Folks in 1978 if they existed on the streets in the late 70s. The People nation gangs that joined in 1980 that still exist today are: Gaylords, Noble Knights, Twelfth Street Players, Cullerton Deuces/Boys, Insane Deuces, Latin Brothers, Insane Popes (South Side), possibly Latin Dragons (if they existed that year), and Spanish Vice Lords (if they existed that year, they would have been born in to People). The Latin Lovers joined people in the 80s and also is now Folks. Many other gangs joined both sides that have since gone extinct over the years.At first when Folk and People came out in the 70s, it was not used on the streets, not in fashion, graffiti, representing. Folk and People was a prison thing in the 70s and the early 80s. In 1983 or 1984, the Folk and People trends hit the streets as five and six point stars appeared in graffiti and fashion statements were made. Wearing clothing to the left was people, wearing it to the right was Folk. These street identifiers made it a little harder for interalliance wars to kick off because one can plainly see who is enemy and who is friend on the streets. Before Folk and People hit the streets it was difficult to distinguish friend from enemy unless you personally knew someone, or someone was wearing colors and throwing signs. Even with Folk and People visible on the streets there was still interalliance violence; however, it could be resolved later on.Folk and People nation bylaws were heavily enforced and followed on the streets and in prison in the early and mid-80s. If there was a beef between two gangs under the same star a council was set up to work out the problem. There were a Folk nation council and a People nation council, these were usually held in prison. This council system was heavily used until the early 90s. Also, if one gang under a star had a problem with another nation under a different star or a neutral gang, the other allied gangs would have to get involved. In the year 1988 tensions began to build on both sides within the alliances. The Satan Disciples and the Two Sixs went in to all out war. The SD and Two Six war became real bad real quick, even though the Folk nation council frowned upon this war. In 1987 the Black Gangsters had a problem with the BGDs which caused the BGs to distance themselves further from BGDs (see Black Gangster history for full story). During the late 80s there were many other disputes going on within the alliances and even some small wars. But the unity was still mostly in tact.1990sIn the year 1990 the Insane Deuces went into full scale war with the Latin Kings. Latin Kings and Latin Counts began to disrespect each other. Tensions elsewhere were cooking up with high heat within Folk and People. In the year1991 all hell broke loose on both sides. The councils no longer cared about keeping the alliances together on the streets and released their control of Folk and People because as long as the protection in prison stayed in tact, that was all that mattered. Some interalliance wars were seen as more profitable than keeping the alliances in tact. Worshipping of the almighty dollar became the gang’s main concern. Larger gangs wanted to run all the drug trade and did not want to share with smaller gangs. Taxation problems, greed, envy, and lack of respect for other nations became a huge problem, as interalliance wars went rampant. Latin Kings and Latin Counts went to war in 1991, Black Gangster Disciples went to full war with Black Disciples and dropped the “Black” out of their name and became the Gangster Disciples (GDs) solely. The GDs went to war with the Black Gangsters and the Black Gangster dropped out of the Folk nation and became the “New Breeds”. Vice Lords began to war with Latin Kings in parts of the city. Vice Lord factions were warring with each other. Spanish Cobras and Maniac Latin Disciples went to war. ULO was completely diminished as Latin Eagles and Imperial Gangsters launched war with MLDs and Spanish Cobras. There are many more that I have not mentioned that happened later in the 90s or even in 1991. Within due time Folk and People did not mean much anymore because there were so many interalliance wars and still are today. In the 1980s it was very difficult to be a gang that was not People or Folk, but nowadays it is a little easier to be renegade or Neutral.
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