Under the City Lights is a two-piece group hailing from two small towns about an hour south of Houston, TX. Drawing from a truly abstract range of influences, UTCL brings nothing less than an abstract form of music that combines elements of hardcore and metal song structuring, catchy pop sensibility, various forms of electronica, and the ambiguity of lush progressive metal. Live performances consist of guitar and vocals performed over pre-composed drum and synth arrangements ran from a laptop computer, and can be held virtually anywhere. By taking these innovative approaches to their music, UTCL provides fans with an experience that is just as exciting and refreshing live as it is in the privacy of your earbud headphones. Expect great things from these determined young men. They're in it to win it.
Banner by Ronnie!
Banner by Jaron!
"Star Power" - Coming soon
"The UC" - Coming soon
Our quest for world domination begins here.
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