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PRIME OBJECT was first established under the name of Ungoliant in Izmir TURKEY . In 2005 their first demo Disciple was released. This demo included 5 songs recorded by using attack record technique. Since the demo album has been released, PRIME OBJECT carried out several live performances and the audience responded positively. With the begining of 2007 July PRIME OBJECT selected 9 of their existing songs and officially started to prepare their first album . The band is still carrying out live performances in process of recording.
Their music can be defined as the combination of dynamic, melodic and emotional guitar riffs , technical drums, strong scream/ brutal male vocals and clean female vocals.
Although the band forms its bases from the style it is affected, PRIME OBJECT combined the effects of this style with the experience of the members. PRIME OBJECT focuses this combination on its musical reflection. The main objective of PRIME OBJECT is to delectate the listeners with its melodies and touching soul of their listeners by using their sound. We expect this objective to be everlasting so that PRIME OBJECT will continue to compose bewitching tones...
PRIME OBJECT grubu 2001 yilinda Ungoliant adi altinda izmirde kuruldu. Daha sonralari ismini prime object olarak degistiren grup nihayet 2005 yilinda demo Disciple yayinladi. Bu demo hücum kayit teknigi kullanilarak kayitlanmis 5 parca iceriyordu. Demo album Disciple yayinlandigindan beri PRIME OBJECT bir cok canli performans gerceklestirdi ve müzik severler tarafindan hep iyi elestiriler topladi. Temmuz 2007 nin baslarinda PRIME OBJECT zaten hazir olan bestelerinin arasindan secilmis 9 tanesiyle resmi olarak ilk album kayitlarina basladi. Grup albüm süreci devaminda konserlerde sahne almaya devam etmektedir …
PRIME OBJECT in müzigi dinamik, melodik ve duygusal gitar rifflerinin, teknik davullarin, güclü scream / brutal erkek vokallerin ve clean bayan vokallerin harmanlanmis hali olarak tarif edilebilir.
Temelini her ne kadar etkilendigi tarzlardan alsada bu etkileri bireysel olarak grup elemanlarinin kulaklarindaki tecrübeyle birlestiren PRIME OBJECT bu birlesimi müzikal yansimasina odaklayarak müzigini var edebiliyor ve kulaklardan girip ruhlara dokunabilmek PRIME OBJECT ’ in asil amaci. Umariz dinleyenleriyle beraber bu amac sürekli kalir ve PRIME OBJECT büyülü tinilar yaratmaya devam eder