♥A mother's l♥ve is endless I dedicate my life to you Izabel my baby GiRl, WheN U think NoBodY hears Ur cRieS I hear u girl I will always l♥ve you no matter what unconditionally.♥
WeLcome tO JaZzYwOrLd wHeRe nO eveR slEePs aNd wHere tHe CraZiEsT b♥TcHes bE♥ ♥YeP WeLL ♥ I BeeN wiTH mY maN goinG on 5 yeaRs anD wE deFyin aLL thE oddS caUse tRuE l♥vE iS woRth iT aLL♥ wE goT a BeautifuL daUgHteR named Izabel♥(♥sHe is my liFe♥)♥I haVe a vEry uniQuE perSonaLity u eiTheR goNNa L♥vE mE Or HaTe mE♥
TRuSt mE I am aLwaYs a sTep aHeaD♥I aM LiKe a sOldier I aM alwaYs ReaDy tO BattLe♥YoU goT somethinG to Say steP Up and saY iT to mY faCe♥
♥ tHe OnE thiNg i haTe thE most is wHen pOepLe talK sh♥T bEhinD my BaCk♥Have SomE heaRT♥ SteP uP and See WhaT iT's LiKe TO be ReaL♥
♥I gOT a Lot oF haTerZ♥thaT shOw mE so mUcH l♥Ve withOut thEm I wOulDn't be wHo I aM♥mY faMily is my LiFe♥
I caN't live WithOut thE coLd ya I L♥vE sNow!!! ♥I waS reaLLy shY iN my YouNger daYs, BuT noT anYmORe I saY whaT i waNt wHen I waNt.
♥I aiN't LiVin my LiFe foR no OnE but mE and miNeZ♥I l♥ve liFe and I liVe it tO thE FuLLest♥
♥It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend♥♥EvEryOne hAs pRobleMs, soMe aRe juSt beTTeR aT hiDiNg tHeM.♥♥LoVe♥ True l♥ve is sometimes hard to find but when you find it if it is real hold on to it because real l♥ve is worth it all. You got to be smart about it though know when to hold on and when to let go. You gonna have your heart broken, and if you don't you are one of the lucky ones. What messes people up is that they stay in it to long they know deep down inside that it will never work but they want it so bad they lose grasp of reality, trust me l♥ve can do that. Only the strong can resist some will fall and some won't. I know l♥ve is the worst illness of all, but true l♥ve shouldn't be a job it shouldn't hurt all the time it shouldn't be well let me watch what I say or do I don't want to make him/her mad nah You got to be able to say what u want do what you want and know that they will l♥ve you and support you even if they may disagree with it. They have to let you make mistakes let you fall cause they will be there to catch you and help thru it all That kind of l♥ve does exist you just have to find it, sometimes you gotta look real hard Never give up and never settle for less than what u need and what u want L♥ve is a give an take L♥ve is Patient L♥ve will endure all if it is true L♥ve never dies a natural death it dies because we do not replenish it source L♥ve mends all wounds L♥ve can make you crazy that sweet crazy L♥ve is a journey that you don't ever what to come back from L♥ve is passion L♥ve is unrelenting To l♥ve is to open your heart to all possibilities good or bad L♥ve is to give and not expect anything in return L♥ve is what we all want to be l♥ved to l♥ve to have l♥ve to find l♥ve L♥ve is happiness So never give up on it true l♥ve is waiting for anyone u just have to be wiser to the game and not give in to what u know is fake.*hearts;PRoVerBs♥ ♥Govern a family as you would cook a small fish - very gently♥No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back♥Love makes time pass; time makes love pass♥A drop of honey catches more flies than a hogshead of vinegar♥Who depends on another man's table often dines late♥He who holds the ladder is as bad as the thief♥Young people tell what they are doing, old people what they have done and fools what they wish to do♥Better ask ten times than go astray once♥The best answer to anger is silence♥Nobody notices when things go right♥