O l l i e Cakes™ profile picture

O l l i e Cakes™

There's no such thing as a bestfriend.

About Me

There is a list below
Of what i love & Hate.
I'm Mollye Lytle. Mollye Jones.
Mallye. Mo-mo if you will.
I'm Shixteen. 6/30/90 write it down. [;
I'm a Junior at EHS finally! [:
I love my friends. They are my world.
I wouldn't trade any of them
For anything.
I know who my real friends are.
So Dun Get It Twisted Bra.
If you talk shit to my friends...
Best believe you're gonna get yours.
I would do anything for my friends.
I love having a good time, As does anyone tho.
I tend to take control of things.
I'm really hard headed and want MY way.
& You BEST believe i'm ALWAYS right.
I LOVE watching cartoons.
I LOVE Apple juice & Juice Boxes. [8
Nothing compares to it.
If coloring was a job..Id own the joint.
I dont talk shit. But i do state my mind.
I'm only gonna say this once...DO NOT lie to me.
You lie to me, And from then on i will second
Guess ANYTHING you have to say.
And thats tha truth sista!
My brother Jordan Lytle is my world.
My other Brother Chaz Lytle keeps me sane.

I love my family very much.
If you fuck with my brothers, you fuck with me.
I dont like when girls toy with my brothers.
I WILL be quick to say something.
If either of my brothers hate you; I hate you.
And all that goes Vice versa as well.
So, Keep that in mind[;
I'm not a bitch. I'm actually REALLY nice.
Although i can be a bitch.
Then again, Anyone can...
I don't like having problems with people.
But if you dis-like me in ANYWAY...
You better believe that i'm NOT
Gonna show you respect, And i'm NOT
gonna go out of my way to be nice to you.
You dont like me; I hate you. [:
I used to let EVERYONE walk all over me.
But i dont anymore, by ANY means...
I do not do confrentation very well at all.
Normally if there is drama, i completely
Turn the other way. Fuck drama.
I hate getting my feelings hurt.
But thats a no brainer.
I LOVE being happy. Getting butterflies.
Getting nice texts. When people say my name.
I cant stress that enough. If you say my name...
I melt. I love boys. And everything about them.
Minus them lieing and being unfaithful.
I really want a boyfriend. I miss that.
But i haven't found a boy worthy enough.
I'm NOT better than you.
So dont think i think i am.
A lot of people think i'm fake.
But they dont know the real me.
I'm prolly as real as a neta girl gets.
I'm the most loyal friend, You're gonna get.
I'm as honest as honest comes.
Don't ask me a question if you dont want to know.
I dont hate many people. In fact, I hate the idea
Of the word hate. No one really HATES anyone.
I love big words. I love driving. I love showering.
Going tanning relaxes me more than anything.
I'm always sick. So get used to it.
I'm thee biggest hypocondriac you'll ever meet.
I wish i wasn't , but i am, And i'm not ashamed.
Pretty things make me SO happy.
As does Nigga Boom Boom.
I love Glitter & Shiny things.
I love my hampster waffle.
I love small things & Animals.
I am Mollye Lytle never underestimate my weirdness.
I'm thee smartest ditz you'll ever meet.
If you love me, then Thank you.
If you hate me, then Fuck you.
GlAMxLYTSI Basically LOVE Jamie,a lot.♥
Can you Say Piiiiimp?
I love...
.When boys wear camouflage, it is seriously thee hottest
thing ever.
.When people say my name.
.Salena Nichole Rogers.
.Rap music, Makes me more happy, Than anything else in this world. .Sparkles.
.The rain(but i hate being wet).
.My friend's.
.Watching boy's do extreme sports. (so hott)
.Ice cream.
.The thought of someday being loved.
.My shox, They bring the biggest smile to my face.
.Victoriana Garibay.
.Puffy coats with fur on the hood.
.Drawing Hearts.
.Making people laugh.
.Watching movies!!
.Taking pictures.
.Spider man.
.Feeling like a little girl, but also being older at the same time.
. .Getting butterflies.
.Being nervous right before hanging out with a certain boy.
.Making people smile when they really don't want to.
.My family, even tho i don't show it sometimes.
. Jordan Michael Westerman Lytle
.My neice.
.My other Brother Chaz.
.My cellphone (sometimes...)
.Getting Text's.
.The feeling when you've done something to cheer someone else
.Giving advice.
.Talking to people about their tough situations, and doing my best
to help them out, anyway i can.
.The sunshine!!
.Being cold, and snuggling in blankets to get warm.
.Taking nap's.
.Sleeping in general.
.Getting ready
.Going shopping.
I love a lot more thing's...but that's good for now.
Hover your mouse and scroll♥♥♥.
I hate...
.Lies and liars, i don't see the point at all at any cost.
.Being called "dude" or "bro" By other guy's...I'm a girl.
.Boys who treat girls like shit.
.When people are mad at me.
.Hating people.
.Being mad at people in general.
.Friends who back stab you.
.Hurting peoples feelings.
.Shady friends.
.Being yelled at...I cry everytime, no matter what.
.People who are really nice to your face, but talk mad shit
behind yo' back.
.When people hurt my friends feelings.
.When my feelings get hurt.
.That i can never ever say the right thing....
.Lies...(that deserves to be in here twice....)
.Being sad or dissapointed.
.When people are rude, and only have negative thing's to say.
.Being ignored.
.Being treated like i'm worthless, and have no say.
.When people copy other people...
.Fake fuckin' brand's. Like when they put a deer on a shirt
In hope people will mistake it for a moose (Abercrombie)
That's good for now...Basically i hate the usual shtuff.
Baller &

I Love Girr♥.

Hover your mouse and scroll♥♥♥.

My Interests

Music, Soccer (although i dont play...yet), Swimming!, Tanning...haha, Movies!! ( i looove watching movies!!!, Haveing Lot's and Lot's of fun!!!!, Annnd Hanging out With Friends!!
I love this wittle guuuuy♥.

Camerin is the love of my life.♥ br

A few Pal's And i.

This girl basically makes my life.
We have so much fun together, and
we have so many memores, i wouldn't
trade for anything. I love my best friend.
Claire Monet Johnson.

I'd like to meet:

Mollye's Pal's.
Dang i've got a Million Homiez.

My Brotha♥.

Jamie :D

Clayton :D

Leanie Bean :D

Brotha :D

Heaven [;

Andy [:

OC Nigga :D


View The Homiez I Got.
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haha, wow this is a toughy, i pretty much like anything...I LOVE rap..lol..but yea it really differs on what mood i am in..i like laid back calm music alot too...


uuhhhhhhh....let's see here, Alice in wonderland, My girl ( all time favorite), The Road to El Dorado, Fight club, Fear and loathing in las vegas, The big labowski, Toy story, The ya ya sisterhood, The Notebook, The sixth man, The ring, annnd LIFE...lol im drawing blanks...


There's no such thing as a fucking hero.
Nothing good lasts, and no one ever
fucking sticks around long enough to
see. Bestfriends don't fuckin' exists either.