Simone Pelliconi born on October 21st, 1970
1994/1996 singer and rythm programmer in a band called Evol: released a couple of demos
1997/2000 half of the electronic music project (pouring MIDI programming) called Amalasunta: produced 13 ablums, 9 were released around the world by (before a major label bought it)
2001/2003 solo exploration of audio-editing & tracking on compute, mostly remanipulating copyrighted stuff in a minimalist way, call it the "Mone vs _ _ _" project: released legally only Mone vs GDM "Trompso Was Ok" as a free download from Giardini Di Mirò's site
2004/2005 programming and audio-tracking joined together in computer music, archives growing happily, some stuff released as free downloads on what now is his old blog
2006/2007 started live performing as solo artist as well as collaborating with other arts' artists, see his new blog for details