K a m i l l a♥ profile picture

K a m i l l a♥

There's Beauty In The Breakdown..♥

About Me

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MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Kamilla Rose Flahiff
Birthdate: May 20th, 1988
Birthplace: Pointe-Claire
Current Location: Beaconsfield!
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown/Blonde
Height: 5'9
Weight: 125, and im not supposed to tell you that!
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Ethnicity: IRISH BABY!
Body Type: slim
Favorite Food: any ethnic, i like trying new things ya
Favorite Drink: Alcoholic...Prob Malibu/Sour Puss, or any mixed drink with Vodka...Non Alcoholic Cream Soda :)
Baseball Team: Umm I don't really watch Baseball
(when) Bedtime: I don't have one, i just go to bed depending on what i did that night
Favorite Color(s): I like a lot of colors, but Blue and Pink sound good
Favorite Letter: K
Favorite Number: 20
Candy: Fun Dip..it's just soo FUN! lol
Favorite Animal: Manatee..i know weird eh..but they're so cute and big!
Favorite Messenger: Messenger? uhh Msn?
Screename: Kamilla, yeah im boring
Favorite Store: Abercrombie, Hollister, West 49...basically anything Montreal doesn't have
Most Missed Memory: Celtic Summers
Best Physical Feature: Eyes? i dunno you tell me
Overused Phrase: Your Sucha Douche lol
First Thought Waking Up: What i'm doing that day
Goal for this year: My goal, is to find a goal for the year lol
Weakness: Roses :)
Fears: SPIDERS! and big trucks driving by me on the highway
Heritage: irish?
Longest Relationship: 2 years
School's Name: John Abbott
Favorite TV Show: OC,Prisonbreak,Laguna
Have You Ever....
Drank: NO WAY! ahha yeahh
Smoked: yup
Dyed Your Hair: of course
Shoplifted: yeah
Tried To Do The Splits: Once upon a time i was able to do them
Tried To Do A Backbend: Same thing, was able to do them
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: Yup
Tried To Do A Handstand: Yeah! ahha funny stories lol
Tried To Act Perfect: No friggin way
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: Umm..nothing ican think of
Skinny Dipped: hehe yeah
Had Sex: YEAh :)
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: NO I WOULD NEVER! ahhaha yeah
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: yup
Been Dumped: yeah
Done Drugs: if weed counts a drug then yes
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yeah
Ate Sushi: YEAH!! sushi kicks ass
Loved Someone: mm hmm
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: Brown/Blue/Green..anything really
Fav Hair Color: Brown
Short or Long Hair: Depends, whatever suits them
Height: taller than me
Weight: Not super fat
Looks Or Personality: Personality
Love or Money: Love :)
Hot Or Cute: Hot..but with a cute Personality
Drugs and/or Alcohol: Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: Doesn't matter
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: Shmexy, just cause it's a cooler word lol
Random...: BLAHHHHH
How Do You Want To Die?: something fun, so ppl can be like whaoh that was intense
What country do you want to Visit: Australia or Ireland
Been to the Mall Lately: yupp
Do you like Thunderstorms: YEAH! well except the one we had at Celtic, that was insane.
Shower Daily: no, i prefer to show by the month HAHA ar eu kidding lol
Do you Sing: In my car and in my shower...come in my car and you'll here me or my shower? MWhaha
Want to go to College: im in college
Clothes: jeans/Abercrombie sweater
Shoes: Socks :)
Make-Up: Mascara
Hair Do: Down Straight
Phone: Razr :)
Phone Number: ok its 514 HAHA u kidding lol
Location: My room
Weather: Dark/Cold and Pooey
Website(s): Myspace YA
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My Blog

I've been tagggedd

  The Game: The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their six weird habits/things, as well as state ...
Posted by K a m i l l a♥ on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 10:15:00 PST

The Best Feelings ♥

 Falling in love.  Laughing so hard your face hurts.   A hot shower. No lines at the Super Walmart.  A special glance.  Getting mail.  Taking a drive on a pretty road.&nb...
Posted by K a m i l l a♥ on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 12:00:00 PST

good advice ♥

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken, probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll b...
Posted by K a m i l l a♥ on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 10:13:00 PST