nO RulES
nO MUsic NO LiFE
Aku aDe RuaNg SeNDiRi, ReMaJA adaLAh AseT akU..MakAN,miNum,BerMAIn dAn BeBas SePenuhNYA.......TerBAng BeBAS BAgaIKaN BuruNG Di Udara...DreSSup, mElePAk .......OrG Yg BerBuAT BaiK ngAN AkU akAn diBalas BaiK taPi SebAliknYa BaGi YanG bUat **** NgAn Aku.....JanGAN tAnYA keNApa daN MEnGApa...AkU SukE DiPAndanG HiNA.....Ni AKu PunYE LiFe TiDAk kiRA ApE oRAng UmUM NAk KAte.....JaNgan KAte AkU JAhat SebElum KnaL DiRi AkUUU yG SEbeNarnYA..........tApi YanG pAlinG PeNTinG SumE inI pasTI AdE sEmPAdanNYa............PerCaYAlaH.....
MaLAysIAn.....wE lOvE mAlaYsIa.....Come and be my one and only tired of being so lonely console me..."dunno how 2 describe myself...ermm I hate describing myself coz I dunno knw how to. Only the people who really knows..."
Profile GeneratorWhy mUsT u juDgE sOmeOne baSe oN hOw hE loOk?whY aRe u jUdginG me fOr whO i aM?if i WerE to bE soMeonE u BouGht to Like,wEll sOrrY ....i`m NoT beIng Really HarD to UndErStand me..goTta ComE to UndeRstAnd bY urSelf am I exActLy........Contact Tables
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Come and be my one and only tired of being so lonely console me..."dunno how 2 describe myself...ermm I hate describing myself coz I dunno knw how to. Only the people who really knows..."LIBRANaughty
Very gentle
Very romantic
Nice...when needs to be
Love is one of a kind
Silly and fun, sweet!
Have own unique sexiness
Most caring person you will ever meet!
Amazing in Bed..!!!
Very sensitive
By FAR the finest
love being in long relationships
very honest
has to be forced to fight but when they fight they dont lose.....Last skali aku ni x encem...
tp aku syg kwn2 aku..
Myspace Glitters