Check out my photography------ now me...
..I'm just an old soul with an overactive mind. I suffer from a complex of blank pages and canvas, and I'm blank when it comes to this. It's terrible. I can't actually stare at a blank page for too long before my mind actually starts to do the same and I lose all sense of creativity. My name is Carly. I'm a 23 year old artist of many forms; sculpture, painting, poetry and photography are the forms I live for. I'm a Libra / Scorpio; Which makes for complications in my soul. I've lived here all my life and can't wait to get out. Ok, I lied, I actually don't mind it here... what would I do with out these people I love and the things and places I've come to know and cherish only because they're close and I know them. I'm learning to enjoy my life more, now that I see how it goes. Long lived, yet short of breath, Scary yet quite hysterical as well. I cry a lot, but I like that about me. Depression is merely anger without enthusiam. I love people who can make me laugh and enjoy my sense of humor as well. I spend a lot of my time contemplating things and the way they should be. I do a lot of writing and art and any other forms of expression I can lay my hands on, in all my spare time. I'm a homebody lately, otherwise I find the time to be with the people who make me ... me. I have a fear of being alone, like most people. Isn't that why we're all here. To make sure we're not alone? Is anyone even paying attention? Do I even care? Apparently. I'm such an easy person to get along with but harder to get to know. Letting people in is not an easy thing for me to do anymore. But I appreciate each and every person who enters my life. I came here for one reason and now I'm here to say what I need to say. Will you listen? " Our faces are given beauty by what we feel- Including sorrow, fear and regret. If we erase those emotions; we have paintings. Not people" retro layout @ HOT MyHotComments