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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Ninja Kitty
?OK,,,, since the summer of 2003 I am in love with finland and as I was there in the beginning of 2004, I know that I wanna stay for the rest of my life. And what I really want, never takes long till I have it. ;-) The years 2004-2007 I have made my "Abitur" in an evening-school for having better chances to find a job in finland. Now I have my "Abitur" and what I need too is, to speak GOOD finnish. And because of this I am here in finland since last august as aupair and I will make a second aupair-year too for learning better finnish than now. SO YOU SEE I ALWAYS GET WHAT I REALLY WANT!!!Mein Horoskop: Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. Too Sexy, DAMN IT. Very high SEX appeal. Has the last word. The best to find, hardest to keep. Fun to be around. Freak in the sheets. Extremely weird but in a good way. Super good in bed. Good Sense of Humor!!! Thoughtful. A partner for life. ALWAYS GETS WHAT HE OR SHE WANTS. Loves to joke. Very popular. Fun and favorit song ever: Sentenced > cross my heart and hope to dieSchwarz, so sagt Ihr, sei die Farbe des Bösen. Doch Ihr irrt ! Nicht mehr ist schwarz, als die Farbe der Dunkelheit. Ist es die Schuld des Dunklen, daß sich das Böse von Zeit zu Zeit unter seinem schützenden Mantel verkriecht ? Versteckt es sich denn nicht ebenso im gleißenden Licht, welches die Menschen blendet und so über seinen wahren Charakter täuscht ? Schwarz aber ist die Farbe der Geborgenheit. Schwarz ist die Erde, in der das Samenkorn wächst. Dunkel ist es im Mutterleib, der das Ungeborene schützt. Alles Gute wächst im Dunkel, bevor es stark genug ist, ins Licht zu treten..... (Black you said, is the color of the evil. But you are wrong! Isn't it more than the color of the darkness. Is it the mistake of the dark, that the evil hide from time to time under their protecting coat? Is the evil not hiding too in the bright light that the people blinded, and deceived so from them true character? But black is the color of savety. Black is the ground where inside the seed is growing. Dark is the womb, who protect the unborn. All good growns in the dark, before it is strong enough, to step into the light.....)..


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Nice people!

My Blog

feel like I have to write a new Blog

Ok,,,,, people. I had a really great time in the last weeks. My friends was visiting me here for 2 weeks in my place. My parents, my brother and his girlfriend was here in finland to visit me. And I...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 12:16:00 GMT

New Au-pair diary chapter!!! It is long ago,,,, and I felt bored.

Hei,,, hei,,,, hei Hi friends,,, and other people. I am alone at "home" and want to do something,,,, so I tell a bit about my last 9 month here in Espoo(finland). First: I love this country more than ...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 15:42:00 GMT

The arrival

So the time is comming and I will go to finland. On wednesday the 8th of august my parents was bringing me and my cat to rostock-port. My package was so huge and heavy that I would brea...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:08:00 GMT

My au-pair-diary

At the 10th of august I will stay for one year in finland as a au-pair.You would ask me why? Because I love  this land since the year 2003 and after this year I will try to stay for the rest of m...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 13:37:00 GMT