brat datchu luv :Þ profile picture

brat datchu luv :Þ

dont be too upset, if they call u a skank, coz like da news everyday u get pressed ♥♥&

About Me

i don't REGRESS...
i progress...
get over it!

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im in love wit amy winehouse's music -- thats who you're hearing right now. watch the vid for "F*** Me Pumps" and love it too lol
charisse. 23, filipina, oldest of three sisters (also got 5 all female cuzns, 3 aunts, and a niece. yea we're a family of females). nursing student at kingsborough. ice cream scooper. brat. love to love. true friend. likes: staying home watching cartoons, reading, playing with my niece. also enjoys eating out (currently addicted to joya's thai), watchin movies, shopping, dancing/drinking, the beach, and pretty open to any other fun thing.
LOVE this song... so sad tho

Layout Provided By - Myspace LayoutsI found my rollover effect at , They're awesome!

My Interests

You Belong in New York City
You're an energetic, ambitious woman.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer. What City Do You Belong In?

You are a City Girl!
Whether you live in the city or not, you've got the heart of a city girl.
You're up on the latest trends - what's hot in music, food, and fashion.
And you love to be on the go. Your perfect day is filled with tons of fun.
Your perfect guy is a city guy, so head to LA, NYC, Sydney, or London to find him! What Kind of Girl Are You?

You Are an Appletini
Most of the time, you're a typical party girl / guy.
But when you get super sauced, you really up your sex appeal. What Mixed Drink Are You?

You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?
music, movies, interior and architectural design, cooking, books, umnn... forensic science. scents...
mad concieted. tsk....

I'd like to meet:

drama-free people who wont try to get to know u juz to take advantage.. im wit keesh -- all bullshit to the left to the left.. PLEZ
i think this is funny..

regular day at my job


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LOTR trilogy (hella fuqin good!), matrix, silence of the lambs (love love love it!), sorority boys, notting hill, beauty and the beast, serendipity, the ring (japz ver.), 13 going on 30, clueless (whatever! L-oser!), my bestfriend's wedding, UNDERWORLD and UNDERWORLD REVOLUTIONS...


PRISON BREAK!! mah baby sooo fine yao like lemme at him!!!
hmn.... top chef, american idol, trading spaces, forensic files, charmed, sex and the city, wwe, fear factor, 24, spongebob, softcore porn they show on late night cable(those are sooooooo stupid and fake its funny)...


patrick and spongebob! hehe buh fuhrealz -- mah momz...
♥Myz Ryze Stuff♥
Full Name:: Charisse Antonette Villanueva Rogacion
Birthday:: July 28, 1983
Birthplace:: Quezon City, Philippines
Eye Color:: darkest brown
Hair Color:: darkest brown-black
Height:: 5'2.5" hehe
Weight:: 180 lbs. yea so what
Right handed or Left handed?: righty
Your Heritage:: Filipino
My Worst Habit:: uhm.. myspacing too much?
Zodiac Sign:: Leo
Shoe Size:: 8-8.5, 6Y
Pants Size:: omg are you freakin serious? lol
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: nope
The Shoes You Wore Today:: flip flops count?
Your Weakness:: food, kindness
Your Fears:: loved ones death
Your Perfect Pizza:: fresh mushrooms, extra cheese, chicken cutlet, green peppers. but all that dont matter if the crust sux so thats the most important thing
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: get into the nursing program, lose weight and be healthier
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: i gotta fuckin work ugh
Your Best Physical Feature:: yikes i dunno... the back of my hand :-Þ
Your Bedtime:: varies. its between 12-3am
Your Most Missed Memory:: family trip to this resort in bataan, gorgeous place
Favorite color?: pink, aqua, lilac
Food?: karekare, pastelles(?), GOOD seafood
Sport?: uhhh...
Animal?: dogs
Ice Cream?: ube, macapuno, cheese
Candy?: almond joy
Store?: 99cents? lol shoe stores
Salad Dressing?: skip the dressing, just give me fresh fruit with my greens
Actor?: mark wahlberg
Song?: currently "back to black"
Letter?: letter?!
Number?: number?!
Gum?: stride
Holiday?: my birthday should be a holiday
Season?: fall
Toothpaste Flavor?: uh a minty flavor?
Radio Station?: 102.7
Perfume?: a whole damn lot, im a "scent" chick
Scent besides perfume?: baked pastries
Body part on the opposite sex?: nose
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: interior designer
How Do You Want To Die?: peacefully when im old and lived life the best way i know how
Turn ons:: scents, openness, nose, eyes, personality
Turn offs:: foul body odor, arrogance, the "skin-and-bones" look
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: nobody really
Who's The Loudest?: lisa
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: lisa
Who Have You Known The Longest?: philamie
Who's The Shyist?: melissa r
When Have You Cried The Most?: a lot. im mad emo
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: being loved
Worst Feeling?: rejection/loss -- losing or never having someone/thing important to you
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: im in love wit nyc
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: being bratty
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: whoa... maybe til im 70
Let's walk on the: sand by the beach.
Let's look at the: stuff they have on sale!
What a nice: thing to say/do.
Where did all the: food go?
Why can't we: just all get along?
Silly, little: wabbit!
Isn't it weird that: im on time?!
Never under any circumstance: will i let anyone disrespect my family.
I wish: i could be a dude for a day..wait make that a week!
Everyone has a: brain, they just dont use it all the time.
I am: me.
Been In Love?: si
Been To Juvie?: hell naw
Mooned Someone?: lol yea
Been Rejected?: yes.
Ran Away From Home?: no
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: lol yea me pervy sometimes
Skipped School?: lol hell yea
Thought About Suicide?: sad but yea
Slept Outside?: yes, camping counts yea?
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: uh huh just recently i was in pharm class i was laughing so hard for no reason -- while the prof was talking!! so i had to hold it in and be quiet but i was dying!!
Cried In School?: lol refer to question ^^^
Thrown Up In School?: dont think so..
Wanted To Be a Model?: yea why the heck not
Cheated On Someone?: uh yes before not too proud of it
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: :-þ
Seen A Dead Body?: no, i sooo want to tho
Been Bitched Out?: nah
Drank Alcohol?: hehe hell yea
Smoked?: used to smoke ciggz. people QUIT SMOKING ITS BAD FOR YOU!
Been On Drugs?: legally? yes. illegal ones? no.
Eaten Sushi?: hell yea lovez it
Been On Stage?: yikes yea i have
Gone Skinny Dipping?: :-þ yes
Shoplifted?: nope, not intentionally at least
Been Drunk?: yes
Been Called A Tease?: yes
Been Beaten Up?: no
Swear?: fuck yea but i gotta stop
Sing Well?: im gonna be the next american idol, go sanjaya! lol jokez
Shower Daily?: definitely--i definitely try lol yes i do.
Want To Go To College?: im in college
Want To Get Married?: was, kinda still but well.... yea.
Believe In Yourself?: sometimes
Get Motion Sickness?: no
Think You Are Attractive?: sometimes
Get Along With Your Parents?: for the most part yea. lil misunderstandings here and there but nothing major at all, nothing but love for mom and well still love mi papa
Like Thunderstorms?: yes
Play An Instrument?: uh no
Own An IPOD?: yea
Pray?: yes
Go To Church?: sometimes.
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: no
Keep A Journal/Diary?: no
Dance In The Rain?: i love it. havent done that in a while tho
Sing In The Shower?: my own concert series
Pepsi or Coke?: coke
McDonald's or Burger King?: tough... none.
Single or Group Dates?: single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: depends which ones
TV or Movie?: movie
Guitar or Drums?: acoustic guitar
Adidas or Nike?: nike
Chinese or Mexican?: tough. if i really gotta ima do chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: none
Cake or Pie?: cookies! lol cake
MTV or VH1?: mtv
Blind or Deaf?: deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: haha hell naw
Write With Both Hands?: i can write but the left one wont be good
Whistle?: yes
Blow A Bubble?: yea in the tub
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: circle how? like folding both sides to meet at the top center? then yea
Cross Your Eyes?: yea
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: uh yea
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: no
Dance?: i try:-þ
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: most of the time
You Touched:: rayne
You Talked To On The Phone:: dickii
You Instant Messaged:: lamar
You Hugged:: rayne
You Yelled At:: dickii
You Played A Sport With:: bowling is a sport right? eisen, mitch and bie
Time You Laughed?: geez i dont keep track of the exact time but you know sometime today
Time You Cried?: sunday night
Movie You Watched?: disturbia
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: a minty one
Joke You Told?: omg i dunno its been a while i tell corny jokes
Song You've Sung?: back to black by amy winehouse
Where Are You?: computer room at home
What Can You See Out Your Window?: neighbors' houses, cars, trees
Are You Listening To Music?: yea - he can only hold her by amy winehouse
What Are You Wearing?: sweatpants and a tshirt - i was workin out hehe
What's On Your Mousepad?: the mouse duh
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: possibly, it would be arrogant of humans to say its only earth
Do you believe in miracles?: everyday it happens, we just need to stop and realize that
Magic?: no, i believe in trickery
Love at first sight?: lust at first sight
God?: yes
Satan?: yes
Ghosts?: yes
Santa?: no
Evolution?: evolution in the sense that we "toughened up" to face everyday problems so we can move on
Fav Eye Color:: light brown eyes are purdy
Fav Hair Color:: brown
Short or Long Hair:: extremely short
Height:: taller than me
Weight:: heavier than me
Best Clothing Style:: clean, simple, coordinated
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: dunno.. i wanna travel tho
Number Of CD's I Own:: i dont think i own any anymore coz i cant find them and i havent bought any in forever
Your Good Luck Charm:: uh do my lucky draws count? LOL
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 3
Do you drink milk?: rarely very very rarely
Person You Hate Most:: nobody
Most Outdated Phrase:: iduno
Do you think God has a gender?: nope
Where do you think we go when we die?: dunno
How many rings until you answer the phone?: iduno coz my ringtones dont go ring ring
What is something scientists need to invent?: a better energy source that would be eco-friendly and pocket-friendly
Are you a health freak?: no
Are you a virgin?: no
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: everywhere shit, why limit myself to one heavenly body
What is the worst weather?: below 0 temp
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yea
How many grades have you failed?: lol a lot, sorry i dont fit in the asian stereotype
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My Blog

not okay

  someone told me i need to find a way to manage my emotions better. he said whenever i get mad, i tend to hurt not only myself but people around me as well. see ive been going though a lot o...
Posted by brat datchu luv :Þ on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 05:35:00 PST