My intrest include making the girl of my dreams happy. I know it sounds dumb but when youre in love the world spins a little smoother and your dreams seem a little more tangiable. Anyways I hope that i become succesefull in life that way I can laugh at all those who said I wouldnt. Sounds cool huh
i would like to meet you.yea right how corny is that. Anyways who i would really like to meet is jim carrey. He is the coolest and craziest guy ever
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ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh music is cool but im a tv guy
Okay ready:Dumb and Dumber,Liar Liar,Sandlot,The Mask,Ace Ventura 1 and 2, Primal Fear,All the Die Hard movies, South Park Bigger Longer and uncut,The Incredibles,Anight At the Roxbury,Great White Hype,all Ninja Turtles movies and so many more i cant even think of
Every damn thing thats on
i read when nothing is on(hardly ever)
to me heros are people who make a diffrence in peoples lives. those people are my heros because they do what they can to help. those people are firefighters cops teachers and the guys who keep the rest of our country safe