Silas, music, and my friends...I really don't know what else is out there...
Anybody cool who loves their music, even if I don't love the same kind of least if they have a huge appreciation and excitment for their own style it's all good.
There isn't even anywhere to start in this category if you ever want it to end. There is good and bad in all genres so I don't discriminate...some music I love because it's wicked awesome and some I love because of memories attached to it and some I love because I'll see how much my friends love it which makes me appreciate it because if that one band or song can make someone I love happy, then it's gotta be good. I could go on forever but I wont...tis one of my favorite things to talk about...
I am way too critical of movies...they have to be really damn good before I'll say they're good. I pick them apart which pisses some people off...other people agree with me and some just find my comments funny...whatever, can't please everyone.
I don't watch a whole hell of a lot of tv, usually just to put me to sleep but every so often I get the chance to watch some. As lame as this might sound to some people, I really don't care...I love watching family channel. Those kids are so flippin' funny and will make total asses of themselves for a laugh and are just sooooo funny. It may not be edgey or controversial but it's good clean fun and I dig that. If you need a further explination I'd be happy to give you one.
The baloon tree.
I think in some weird way, every person I've encountered has been a hero. Good or bad I've learned something from them whether it's something to strive for or away from. I may not remember exact things I've learned from every person but I garuntee that locked deep in my brain I've taken something from everyone I've met and that's helped me grow into the kick ass person I am today so really these people should be everyone elses heros not mine...