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I am a political conservative and a Bible believing christian ( a work in progress). I am a strong supporter of the military. I am not here to DEBATE LIBTARDS, if you don't like my point of view then move on, we have nothing for EACH OTHER but do yourself a favor READ THESE BOOKS,THE BIBLE, THE KING JAMES VERSION!I realize that there are a lot of NIV people out there but a perfect example of what the bible tells us is in Deut 4:2 and Rev. 22:19. If you do not believe this read Acts 8:7 and get back to me. Also the NIV omits 42,000 words from the KING JAMES VERSION, why? The Defenders Study Bible by Henry M. Morris, Liberalism ia a Mental Disorder by Michael Savage and, Godless; The Church of Liberalism by Ann Coulter, and anything by Dennis Miller. These books will help LIBERALS understand their problem and you will be on your road to recovery in no time at all. No need to thank me...Study the Bible as the LITERAL word of God and am involved in studies comparing Bible prophesy to what is going on in the Middle East which will soon bring in the war of Ezekiel 38-39. We must support Israel's right to the land because God said so! (Genesis 13:14-17). On a lighter note I also enjoy designing jewelry and sitting on our dock with my dogs Lily, Ivy, and Daisy my three Chinese Cresteds, and our newest addition TI-VO who is a Jack Russel/Chinese Crested mix, don't ask...(they are all fixed).
A friend I was willing to die for and that I can bring the best out of and who can bring the best out of me. As far as a personal relationship, I am well, disabled.I would most like to meet Thomas Sowell a brilliant columnist and a great American hero. Mr. Sowell would have my vote in any government position that he might be convinced to run in. He is a genius and a gentleman.I have enjoyed reading his columns and books more than any other living American philosopher.MY BOOTIFUL 13 YEAR OLD GRANDSON NELSON, EXCEPTIONAL AT EVERYTHING HE DOES... SCHOOL, SPORTS, TRUMPET, GUITAR HERO AND THE LIST GOES ON. CHECK HIM OUT ON YOUTUBE. HIS PROFILE IS yahhoo4494. AND YES THIS DOES KIND OF CREEP ME OUT, BUT HEY, HE'S 13, AND IF HE WOULD TAKE THE HAT OFF YOU WOULD SEE HOW ADORABLE HE REALLY IS. I HAVE MUCH BETTER PICS ON MY PROFILE. (this is of course of interest to family and friends, no perverts please...seriously, you would not enjoy my response).
Sarah Brightman, Josh Groban - Heart, Fleetwood Mac, Bob Seger - Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan - Prince, Donna Summer,Bob Dylan
Cool Hand Luke-Steel Magnolias-Forrest Gump- My favorite 90 min documentary coming soon is by Dick Morris about Hillery Clinton which should open some eyes and be a real HOOT!WATCH THIS YOU TUBE VIDEO "BUSH DOESN'T LIKE BLACK PEOPLE". IT WILL BRIGHTEN UP A BRUTAL DAY. I JUST CAN'T STOP WATCHING...
Nip Tuck,Dexter, 24, House, Criminal Minds, The Closer, Medium, Ghostwhisperer - Fox News Junkie
THE BIBLE,anything by Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Dick Morris, Charles Krauthammer, Laura Ingram, Ben Stein, Bill Crystal, Fred Barnes, Michael Savage and Bernard Goldbergs "Crazies to the Left of me, Wimps to the Right."
Anyone who is willing to be persecuted for Christ. Also everyone that believes that 58 is the new 38!