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About Me

Michael Reed, Actor
    MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds
Born in Chandler, Arizona, in 1976. The year of the Dragon.Chosen by the Gods to be the runt in a traveling band of gypsies. Spent his youth in Arizona, Texas, Virginia, Germany and the cold university towns of Michigan. Early years marked by a mammoth collection of GI-Joes, He-Man figures, a Huffy bike, a wardrobe full of hand-me-down rayon shirts, and the perfect, concrete hair-wave. Bestowed with honors by his high school theatre classes and, it should be noted, the recipient of several competitive acting awards. To his dismay, these stellar achievments were overshadowed by a few lowly weekend football games. Vowing revenge and armed with a video camera, Michael took refuge in a series of epic claymation movies and one-man garage performances which await an official PentaWorks release. Travelled the byways America in a cramped yet homey pull-camper, hoping to find himself, but instead found heavy drinking and several great locations for deliberate isolation. Took a brief repose in Michigan, where he studied theater, graphic illustration, and design while starring as a book store guy, a temp, a waiter, and a painter.
Currently a resident of Riverside, Rhode Island.
--Completed Films--
NUN Of That --Scorpio Film Releasing (October '08)
**directed by Richard Griffin
*The initial version was winner for "best editing" at the 2008 Rhode Island 48hr Film Festival -- which served as inspiration for the following feature.
Beyond The Dunwich Horror --Scorpio Film Releasing
**directed by Richard Griffin
Living Dead World --Evil Genius Entertainment
**directed by Mike Zawacki
--In Production--
**directed by Nick Beaubien
SUBJECT C --Daylight Films
**directed by Michael Day
Zombie Allegiance --Tony Nunes and Solipsist Media Group. (Winter/Spring '08)
**directed by Tony Nunes
Vampire Nation --TSL Productions (August '08)
**directed by Todd Lecomte
V.a.M.L. --Eyeris Productions
**directed by Jill Poisson
ATOMIC BEACH PARTY --Scorpio Film Releasing
**directed by Richard Griffin
MAIZE --Eyeris Productions
**directed by Jill Poisson *director of photography, Richard Griffin
NUN OF THAT --Scorpio Film Releasing
directed by Richard Griffin
ZOMBIE ALLEGIANCE --Solipsist Media Group, directed by Tony Nunes, director of photography Richard Griffin
BEYOND THE DUNWICH HORROR --Scorpio Film Releasing, directed by Richard Griffin.
*Winner for "Best Editing" at the 2008 48hr Film Fesival--Rhode Island*
NUN OF THAT (48hr Film Fest version)--a 48hr film project done by Scorpio Film Releasing. I really enjoyed working on this production. Each team was given the same prop, character, and line of dialog. And each team selected a genre from a hat. Our genre was 'holiday.' As soon as we knew our genre, we had 48hrs to write, shoot, and edit.
LIVING DEAD WORLD TRAILER --zombies rise from the grave and consume the flesh of the damned. A solid indie-Zed movie starring your's truly.
Living Dead World

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ECSTATIC NOISE--a secret society of people all living together are brainwashed by a sexy DJ and his pill-pushing Gestapo. Only one man can infiltrate the household and stop the madness. Me. Directed by Javier Dampierre.
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*BELOW* are two shorts from "PAUSE & RECORD"--a DVD compilation of home-movies shot from 1991-1995. Bare in mind, these shorts are shot on VHS, are all edited on the fly (hence the title 'pause & record'), and all dialog is completely improvised.
"The Bad Mime", from the home-movie compilation "PAUSE & RECORD".
Something to know about 'The Bad Mime': prior to recording video, we walked around the house with a tape recorder, and recorded a string of sound effects representing a series of events. Then after only three rehearsals, we recorded the video as I listened to the audio playback live as I performed.
"The Real Estate Sale", from the home-movie compilation "PAUSE & RECORD."
To see more videos from PAUSE & RECORD, go here:
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Pentaworks --my brother Anthony Penta's film company. Regardless our blood-tie, I'm not ashamed to declare his work phenomenal. I've always enjoyed working with him when I get the chance.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Honest, nonjudgmental, interesting, creative, passionate people that don't give a hoot what others think.

My Blog

Two Bits of Press for NUN

Hello!Swing by The Jaded Viewer for a pinch of positive press involving our latest action/comedy feature NUN OF THAT.Here be the link: can al...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 08:03:00 GMT

NUN OF THAT, the official trailer

Prepare to receive the good news, jive turkey!Never fear, the trailer for the much anticipated comedy/action flick NUN OF THAT has just hit the interwebs. Crank up your speakers, have a coke and a smi...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 14:38:00 GMT

NUN OF THAT --World Premiere is closing in...

Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 12:57:00 GMT

Fangoria Magazine review of BEYOND THE DUNWICH HORROR!

Hello MS patrons! I just wanted to spread the great news. Last month, the one and only Fangoria printed a very positive review of my most recently completed feature, BEYOND THE DUNWICH HORROR, directe...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 07:11:00 GMT

ZOMBIE ALLEGIANCE --trailer and Fango press.

Check out the new trailer by Solipsist Media Group: ZOMBIE ALLEGIANCE. Directed by Tony Nunes and photographed by the infamous Richard Griffin.I play a small little role in this picture, as well as do...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 13:17:00 GMT

NUN OF THAT --Teaser Poster by Stephen Romano

Here it is. The awesome. The amazing. The NUN OF THAT poster created by the very talented, noted illustrator Stephen Romano. I love it. What can I say, this dude can do no wrong.If you like what you s...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:11:00 GMT

Join us at the NUNRAISER. Its a blast for you, and a blastphemy.

On November 14th 2008 Scorpio Film Releasing will be holding the event of the year!An event so twisted, so dirty, so profane that it can only be called a --- NUNRAISER!Tickets are 5 dollars are the do...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 12:46:00 GMT

Casting is official! Im in the webseries GAVIN LANCE...

I'm overjoyed to announce that I've scored a role in the mystery webisode which recently held auditions in Providence, RI. I'm not sure of the actual title, I've called it 'GAVIN LANCE...perhaps that'...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:40:00 GMT

Daylight, Subject C & Me!

Hey folks. Just had to share some great news. I've been officially cast in Daylight Films new film, entitled SUBJECT C. Daylight Films is a very talented group of filmmakers who have put together suc...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 04:47:00 GMT

Vampire Nation--its a wrap on me.

Hey peeps,Just wanted to shoot a blog into the ether...letting you all know that the film I worked on, VAMPIRE NATION (TSL productions), has wrapped me.It was a looong weekend. Saturday and Sunday bot...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 04:37:00 GMT