Michael Reed, Actor
- MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds
Currently a resident of Riverside, Rhode Island.
--Completed Films--
NUN Of That --Scorpio Film Releasing (October '08)
**directed by Richard Griffin
*The initial version was winner for "best editing" at the 2008 Rhode Island 48hr Film Festival -- which served as inspiration for the following feature.
Beyond The Dunwich Horror --Scorpio Film Releasing
**directed by Richard Griffin
Living Dead World --Evil Genius Entertainment
**directed by Mike Zawacki
--In Production--
**directed by Nick Beaubien
SUBJECT C --Daylight Films
**directed by Michael Day
Zombie Allegiance --Tony Nunes and Solipsist Media Group. (Winter/Spring '08)
**directed by Tony Nunes
Vampire Nation --TSL Productions (August '08)
**directed by Todd Lecomte
V.a.M.L. --Eyeris Productions
**directed by Jill Poisson
ATOMIC BEACH PARTY --Scorpio Film Releasing
**directed by Richard Griffin
MAIZE --Eyeris Productions
**directed by Jill Poisson *director of photography, Richard Griffin
NUN OF THAT --Scorpio Film Releasing
directed by Richard Griffin
ZOMBIE ALLEGIANCE --Solipsist Media Group, directed by Tony Nunes, director of photography Richard Griffin
BEYOND THE DUNWICH HORROR --Scorpio Film Releasing, directed by Richard Griffin.
*Winner for "Best Editing" at the 2008 48hr Film Fesival--Rhode Island*
NUN OF THAT (48hr Film Fest version)--a 48hr film project done by Scorpio Film Releasing. I really enjoyed working on this production. Each team was given the same prop, character, and line of dialog. And each team selected a genre from a hat. Our genre was 'holiday.' As soon as we knew our genre, we had 48hrs to write, shoot, and edit.
LIVING DEAD WORLD TRAILER --zombies rise from the grave and consume the flesh of the damned. A solid indie-Zed movie starring your's truly.
Living Dead World
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ECSTATIC NOISE--a secret society of people all living together are brainwashed by a sexy DJ and his pill-pushing Gestapo. Only one man can infiltrate the household and stop the madness. Me. Directed by Javier Dampierre.
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*BELOW* are two shorts from "PAUSE & RECORD"--a DVD compilation of home-movies shot from 1991-1995. Bare in mind, these shorts are shot on VHS, are all edited on the fly (hence the title 'pause & record'), and all dialog is completely improvised.
"The Bad Mime", from the home-movie compilation "PAUSE & RECORD".
Something to know about 'The Bad Mime': prior to recording video, we walked around the house with a tape recorder, and recorded a string of sound effects representing a series of events. Then after only three rehearsals, we recorded the video as I listened to the audio playback live as I performed.
"The Real Estate Sale", from the home-movie compilation "PAUSE & RECORD."
To see more videos from PAUSE & RECORD, go here:
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Pentaworks --my brother Anthony Penta's film company. Regardless our blood-tie, I'm not ashamed to declare his work phenomenal. I've always enjoyed working with him when I get the chance.