Junior New Black Panther Party
Washington, DC Chapter
Liberation School CURRICULUMCALLS FOR BLACK POWER TO OUR YOUTH!!!Objective: Educate the masses of Black and oppressed youth who live within the bowels of this corrupt system. A proper education enables us to define, thereby develop and defend what is in our Black self-interest, giving us Kujichagulia – self determination(2nd Local Objective NBPP).Philosophy: Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad (Former National Chairman of the NBPP) stressed educating our youth as a key means to a change within our mental psyche. Black people should determine their destiny and Black people’s perception of our current state. So the power lye’s within our youth and our ability to properly nourish them with tools that they need academically, culturally and socially. The Junior NBPP serves as the youth arm to the New Black Panther Party, dedicated to the liberation of African people through education.The 5th Point of the 10 Point Program and PlatformWe want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history/herstory and our role in the present day society.So, we must develop a program that is centered on our true history. All of our materials are from professional and street scholars such as Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Che Guevera, Molefi Asante, Amiri Baraka, Huego Chavez, Malcolm X, Indus Khamit-Kush, Marcus Garvey, Dr. Khallid Muhammad, Huey P. Newton, and Anthony Browder.CurriculumThe Curriculum will be broken into 5 parts Creative Writing, African-African-AmericanHistory,Ujaama Cooperative Economics) Class, Physical Education, and African Art appreciation.Black Creative Writing
African/African-American History
UJAAMA Class (Cooperative Economics)
Physical Education
African Art appreciation
2 weeks for each subjectBlack Creative ExpressionSubject Age
Introduction to Creative Writing 6-8
Egyptian Poetry 9-13
42 Laws of Ma’at
Principles of Ma’at 14-17
Art of the Drum 6-8
Harlem Renaissance 9-13
Black Arts Movement 14-17
Art of MC’ing 6-8
Art of Break Dancing 9-13
History of Hip-Hop
Self Poetic Expression 14-17
AFRIKAN/AFRIKAN COLONIZED HISTORYIntroduction to Black Studies 6-8
Afrocentric Political Thought 9-13
African Oral History to Slave Narratives 14-17
Early African Civilizations pt1. 6-8
Early African Cilvilizations pt. 2 9-13
Reconstruction to Segregation 14-17
African&Third World Revolutionary History6-8
The 1960’s and Black Panther Party 9-13
Hip –Hop our present day struggle 14-17UJAAMACLASS-COOPERATIVE ECONOMICSBasic Ma’athematics #1 6-8
Budgeting &Marketing 9-13
Black Economic History 14-17
Basic Ma’athematics #2 6-8
Creative Economics 9-13
Black Business Networking 14-17
Basic Ma’athematics #3 6-8
Entrepreneurship 9-13
Global Economic Systems & Afrikan Communualism 14-17PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATIONIntroduction to Physical & Health
Education 6-8
Nutrition 9-13
HIV/STD Awareness 14-17
Basic Workout 6-8
Meditation 9-13
The Human Body 14-17
Melanin 9-13
West African Art JNBPP000038
Egyptian Art JNBPP000039
Realism JNBPP000040
Surrealism JNBPP000041
Black Artists JNBPP000042
Emory Douglass
Political Art JNBPP000043
Grafitti Art JNBPP000044
Symbolism JNBPP000045"; I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!