Karly profile picture


Beer me. What? Hand me that water bottle. I say beer me, it gets a laugh about a quarter of the time

About Me

Well, I'm from Seattle, more specifically Sammamish (holler), Washington. It's amazing. For now, I reside in Provo, UT. There are no Asians here and I'm ok with that. Too many in one place freak me out. I love football (Go Seahwaks). I've been known to crack a joke or two. As a result, people laugh. My boyfriend is pretty funny too, not as funny as me, but entertaining nonetheless. I have a very short sister who I love very much. She never comes to visit me (yeah Sara, I'm talking to you..), I'll forgive her because after all, I am in Utah. My hair is shiny and my teeth are straight. If you catch me off guard, you just might see me with my retainer. I pretty much lack all direction in life. If you have any suggestions for a major or career, I am open. I used to stay up late and go out, but I am getting too old for that these days. I love to dance. Sure, we can have a dance off, I'd win... I'm just being honest. I love shoes. I hate socks. Sometimes I forget I'm Asian (I was raised by white people), until I do something stupid on the road and the person in the other car looks at me. I know exactly what they are thinking, "Asian's can't drive." I'll agree with you on this. However, I feel that Utahans and Asians are equally retched drivers. Since I am half white, don't judge me too much on the road. I'm a good driver, I swear. Although I have been called a "speeder" and a "weaver". These nicknames were given for a reason (because I speed and weave). Even though my closet and drawers are overflowing with clothes, I always think I never have anything to wear. It's a complex, really. I love shopping, perhaps too much. No, that isn't possible. I think, well I know, I'm an interesting person. Entertaining too. And good looking. Not to mention: modest.

My Interests

SETH! Curious George. Cooking, the beach, shopping, KCLM.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Jack Bauer, not Keifer, Jack.
And Dr. McDreamy.

Name: Karly Kim Obermaier
Date of Birth: February 6, 1987. Or so the orphanage claims.
Birthplace: Korea (southside, represent).
Current Location: Provo, UT
Eye Color: dark brown, as opposed to Seth's baby blues
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 5'5"
Heritage: German, hence the last name.
Piercings: all over
Tattoos: just one, guess where...
Band/Singer: Elton John, who else?
Song: Your Song
Movie: The Notebook
Disney Movie: Mulan, it's about my people.
TV show: Grey's Anatomy
Color: pale yellow
Food: Rice, obviously.
Pizza topping: cheese
Ice-Cream Flavor: Coffee Heath Bar Crunch. Yum.
Drink (alcoholic): Seth and I are Corona people, but we don't drink.
Soda: Vanilla Coke
Store: Nordstrom
Clothing Brand: Sevens
Shoe Brand: I love all shoes
Season: Fall
Month: September
Holiday/Festival: Christmas/my birthday
Flower: roses
Make-Up Item: eye liner, otherwise i look 9
Board game: i like cards. i'll kick your trash.
This or That
Sunny or rainy: i love both
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla coke, chocolate men
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: early evening
Sour or sweet: sour then sweet
Love or money: love someone with money
Phone or in person: person
Looks or personality: for the sake of not appearing vain, I'll say personality.
Coffee or tea: i don't like coffee, but i like the flavor. does that make sense?
Hot or cold: depends on what we're talking about
Goal for this year: pick a major, or win the lottery. both are equally likely.
Most missed memory: the orphanage. just kidding.
Best physical feature: let's go with top three: my face, body and hair.
First thought waking up: "S"
Hypothetical personality disorder: Cacophobia
Preferred type of plastic surgery: boob job, not that i need one.
Sesame street alter ego: I don't even know what that means.
Fairytale alter ego: Should I know what an alter ego is? I don't need one.
Most stupid remark: I don't say stupid things.
Worst crime: Being a clepto.
Greatest ambition: To have kids.
Greatest fear: anacondas
Darkest secret: i sleep with a blankee
Favorite subject: Korean. or English.
Strangest received gift: fuzzy socks
Worst habit: buying new clothes instead of doing laundry
Do You:
Smoke: only in the morning.
Drink: oh no.
Curse: hell no.
Shower daily: obviously
Like thunderstorms: yes
Dance in the rain: No, I'm not an indian.
Sing: not well
Play an instrument: all of them
Get along with your parents: yes
Wish on stars: not as often as i'd like
Believe in fate: not really
Believe in love at first sight: not possible, unless by love you mean lust
Can You:
Drive: despite being asian, yes.
Sew: like an opressed foreign slave child.
Cook: like a pro.
Speak another language: Gibberish.
Dance: so well, it's unreal.
Sing: no..
Touch your nose with your tongue: i'm not a lizard
Whistle: no
Curl your tongue: i have amazing tongue control
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Me? No...
Been Stoned/High: neither
Eaten Sushi: yes
Been in Love: YES! Love you baby :P
Skipped school: one time or another
Made prank calls: maybe
Sent someone a love letter: no, but i get them all the time
Stolen something: as previously stated, i'm a clepto
Cried yourself to sleep: oh yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? when they don't know when to shut up
Are you right or left handed? talented with both
What is your bedtime? depends on what time Seth puts on a movie.. usually 20 minutes in
Name three things you can't live without: Mormons, family, love
What is the color of your room? white, as in the color of insane asylum walls.
Do you have any siblings? one short sister
Do you have any pets? no
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? i don't hate anyone. and a million is chump change.
What is you middle name? Kim
What are you nicknames? K, Kim, Beautiful...
Are you for or against gay marriage? i really like Ellen
What are your thoughts on abortion? don't do it
Do you have a crush on anyone? it's a very hardcore crush
Are you afraid of the dark? You mean like afraid of black people?
How do you want to die? don't really think about that sort of thing.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? one hundred million
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? i've taken five already.
What is the last law you’ve broken? i was never charged, so it doesn't count
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Height 6'0
Weight 164
Most important physical feature: hot body, hot face
Biggest turn-off offensive odors


Young Joc, Young Jeezy, Lil Bow Wow, Lil Romeo.. I like 'em young and little, apparently.


Notting Hill, Bad Boys II, The Notebook


Grey's Anatomy and Sports Center (right baby?)


The Notebook and anything by Shakespeare (that's right, I'm deep).


Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that.